Nineteen - One of Them

Start from the beginning

"No. He said he left a few hours ago, he should be back soon." Ron said.

"Where will he be?"

"I mean, he went up to the astronomy tower before. There's no guaranteeing that's were he will come back. Apparated somewhere with Dumbledore - he didn't really know where he was going himself" said Ron.

"Where is Draco?" Hermione added.

"He's- fuck. I left him in his dorm. But I don't know where he could of gone. What do I do?" I asked them. I couldn't think of what to do myself. But if I knew what Draco was doing and why Snape was involved, then maybe I could-


Before they could answer me, I said to them
"I need to go" and began to turn around.

"And where is it your going?" Hermione said to me.

"Snape. He knows something. I need to speak to him, tell Harry to find me when he comes back"

"Helena- do you expect us to just sit here?" Hermione yelled to me.

"I don't know what you can do. I mean, it's not like he is doing anything this second, at least I pray he isn't. But if Snape knows anything, and I'm certain he does, I might be able to stop him from-" I stopped myself.

Death eaters were known murderers. Torturers. They killed anyone who didn't fit their image - pure bloods who didn't converse at all with muggles or muggle borns. I knew Draco had a certain distain for muggleborns in the past- he hadn't enforced such views in a good while. But of course, he must of had them.

I could hardly believe that someone I had so recently thought was so wonderful could in reality be such a monster. But I was deceived - the mark of the monster he was lay on his arm forever.

"Just keep away from him. And tell Harry to find me when he is back!" And before they could react, I turned on my heel and headed hurriedly to Snapes office.


The halls still had a few students speckled on them, but the long corridor I turned into on my way to Snapes office was deserted - not many people came down here as it was a hall full of offices and storage closets. There was no one down here - no one, that is, except the unmistakable dark figure of Snape.

"PROFESSOR!" I yelled out to him causing him to turn and stop in his tracks. I resumed my run up to him stopping but a few a few feet before him.

"Miss Wright, where-"

"It's Draco. I-I just saw. He's a-" I looked behind me to ensure there was no one in the hall, but as I turned back to him, he had his finger over his lips telling me to be silent. He turned and made his way to the door that was his office. He opened it and indicated silently for me to go inside.

He closed the door behind the two of us, he didn't turn to face me as he shut the door.

"Sir. He just showed me. He has the dark mark. He's a death eater." He held two fingers up to me, once again telling me to be quiet. He stepped away from the door and took a small step towards me.

"You shouldn't of been involved  in this Miss Wright. But Draco seems to be foolish enough to involve others in his business."

"Sir, what do you kn-"

"We cannot take any risks. Forgive me."

He drew his wand. With the charm he cast, I felt invisible ropes wrap around my torso, throwing me backward onto the chair beside his desk. The invisible binding tied itself around the back of the chair. My torso and arms were bound, leaving me unable to move, only struggle.

"What the hell are you-" I yelled. But he cut me off.

"I have told you that you shouldn't have been involved. I should have done more the second I realised the Malfoy boy had fallen for you. Let me tell you this" he took a step towards me. "Nothing good ever comes out of such emotion. Forget him." I looked at his eyes that were no more than a foot away from mine.

"Oh don't worry. I have." I said to him not breaking my eye contact.

"But too late." He added. He turned to walk towards the door as I yelled to him.

"You're one of them. Aren't you." He paused at the door but didn't utter a word of response. He grabbed the door handle and opened it. Before he shut the door behind him, he turned to face me one last time from the corridor.

"You will be sick of this phrase despite its truth. There are many things you do not understand. And this is one. But do not worry. When I return, you will have no memory of the Malfoy boy. I can rid your memory of many things, in fact." He stepped towards me, his very stance threatening. I almost shuddered. "You may think of it as cruel, but I can assure you it is a favour."

He slammed the door behind it and locked it, leaving me struggling in the restraints.


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