A Little Bit Of Ink (Chapter 9)

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When I awoke from the RESET, I wasted no time. I rushed out the house trying to find the underground family. Just to my luck, I was just in time before Flowey captured them with a vine. "THANKS, HUMAN! I DON'T KNOW WHY MY FLOWER FRIEND DID THAT!" Papyrus said, making a large bone. "Thanks, kiddo, we're behind you all the way." Sans said, his eye flaming blue with streaks of yellow. With the whole underground family behind you, you are filled with PEACE. "Oh finally, a change of pace." Chara said, stepping up with a dead flower in his/her hand. "You didn't." You said. "I did!" He/she exclaimed, laughing insanely. "You're all that I need, (Y/N)!" She said, pointing her knife at you. 

(Play Music)"TO DO THAT, YOU HAVE TO GET THROUGH US!" Papyrus said. "Yeah!" The whole underground family said, getting there magic ready. Chara looked a little scared. "You sure this is going down the same way before?" I asked, my right eye flaming (m/c). "You can come out!" Chara yelled, to behold Frisk and Betty. "Hm....you know, it's a beautiful day outside" Sans said. "Trees are chilling" You said. "GIRLS/GUYS ARE RUNNING AROUND" Papyrus said. "On days like these...." Sans said, no eyed. "Yanderes like you...." You said, your right eye flaming even more. "SHOULD BE CHOKING ON BLOOD" Papyrus said. (Yes, Papyrus isn't as naive and knows about the RESETs after Sans told him) (I couldn't think of anything better XD) "You my, my aren't you threating?" Betty mocked, then got smacked away by a huge bone. "DON'T MESS WITH US! NYEH!" Papyrus said. "Heh....let's light em up, bro!" Sans said, grabbing Frisk soul and toss him/her halfway across the world. That was followed up with Toriel's fire and Undyne's spears. "We're with you guys!" Toriel yelled. Then they all came back in the blink of an eye. They must of used CONTINUE. No matter, you'll take them all out. "Come here, (Y/N)." Frisk yelled, charging towards you. "Hm....let me think about that." You said, slapping him/her away with a thick bone. "NOPE!" You yelled. Frisk came back and threw multiple knives at you. "YOU'RE MINE!" He/She said, diving down. You leapt up and said, "No wonder why you're so weak." kicking her to the ground and then using a Gaster Blaster. You left him/her at 1 HP so that she couldn't do anything but watch. Then you got swept up by a sycthe, and it was Betty. "Hello there, Senpai!" Betty said, only to get smacked away by a trident. "Keep going (Y/N), you can do it!" Asgore yelled, summoning more tridents and throwing it at him/ her. "On it!" You said, charging up 3 Gaster Blaster and also left him/her on 3 HP. When you we're going to take care of Chara, blue strings wrapped around you. (End Music) 

"cOme H3re, y0u lITle Gl1TcH." He yelled. You tried to escape but to know avail. "Thanks!" Chara said, walking up to you, only to get dodge an axe. "It's a mission. Nothing personal." A skeleton said with a hole in his head. You thought all was lost until a paintbrush smacked the 2 away. Wait, a paintbrush?!?!?!!? (Play Music) "(Y/N), no time to explain come with me!" the skeleton with the paintbrush said. "And oh will you're at it bring Sans and Papyrus with you!" He said. You made no hesitation. You grabbed Sans and Papyrus soul and dragged them along. "Hey kiddo! Where are we going?!?!" Sans exclaimed. "I don't know. Some skeleton with a paintbrush told me to bring you guys." You said. Then Sans smiled, more than normal. "I wonder what Ink is doing here......." (End Music) 

Confusing Love (Yandere Frisk, Chara, and Betty x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now