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I am a Warden, one apart of an ancient order that it's origins was lost to history. I have sworn to defend the weak and punish those who stand in the way of peace.


For the past week children from all over the region of Ashfeld I defend have come to me and told me of five soldiers coming to the village. When I ask them what they look like the children freeze and cry. I have sent a few local farmers who said they wanted to check them out, to see if their children speak the truth. Four left, one returned. The last remaining farmer came to me, mortally wounded.

Before he passed he spoke of five soldiers, each of them wear black hoods that cover their heads. But he said there was something odd about their leader. The farmer said their leader was a woman, the rest were men. Before I could get anymore information from the farmer he rested his head and died. Myself and a few others helped me bury the farmer. After the burial there were screams that came from the forest. I gathered my armor and ran to check the screaming.

When the gates to the village opened for me to exit there were five black cloaked figures that stood on the other side to enter. They had kite shields and arming swords. Some were ornate, some weren't. Same going for their swords. I took my newly sharpened long sword and held the hilt tightly as I slung the blade onto my armored shoulder. When the five black figures entered from the gates their leader spoke.

???: "We are not here to kill you! Give us what we want and we will leave peacefully!"

I stood closer and got into my top guard stance. Their leader noticed me.

???: "Do you know who we are, Warden?"

I nodded and spoke.

"I do, Black Prior"

-To be continued-

For Honor: True DarknessKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat