First date (;'༎ຶٹ༎ຶ')Plus drama(;'༎ຶٹ༎ຶ')

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Quirk A/N!: This chapter was recommended to make by @coffeeFNAFfandom ! Thank you so much for giving me the idea, I know you also asked for more exploring wich I am also going to do, feel free to tell me more things for the next upcoming idea!! (Also I got inspired by someone else to make the book but except make it in my own way!) ALKDJJA I CAN'T STOP READING A HARRY POTTER X READER BOOK, DON'T JUDGE ME- Also y'all can call me simp if you want whenever your asking me something XD. Also, the was put in the book so you can listen to Yander moosike >:D to read through the story, MHAstories0v0 out!

~Third person POV~

it had been three months Y/n and Michael originally lived together as friends but now Y/n have been together sense when wich feels like yesterday yesterday Y/n confessed to Y/n

"Hey Y/n.." Is what Michael said, "Yes, Michael??" Y/n responded "Do you wanna go on a date with me??" Michael asked standing in there house they've lived at for three years now "Of-course Mikey!" Y/n said really happy, little did they know Michael was aware of they're birthday (Sorry its August in the book because that's when I actually made the first chapter on my Bday on August 24 you can pick the year and date but make sure its a little before the 80's ;v;) Michael smiled excitedly hoping that Y/n loved there day 'I'm doing what Lizzy told me to do all those years ago, take Y/n to there favorite place of all times there F/r (favorite resturaunt ..I CAN'T SPELL I'M DONE WITH LIFE)!

~Michaels POV because I'm excited ✨R.O.M.A.N.C.E✨~

I'm going to take Y/n to the ice-cream shop Lizzy loved and then I'm gonna take them F/r this is what Y/n is wearing (BOTH GENDERS YOU CAN CHANGE THE LOOK HOW EVER YOU WANT!)

Female ver. IT WONT APPEAR.. WHY!? nvm

 WHY!? nvm

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The three male ver.'s I had wouldn't appear....... WHY IM GOING TO SCREAM BRUH.. NVM IM HAPPY NOW IT APPEARED well one not the other two

 NVM IM HAPPY NOW IT APPEARED well one not the other two

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Y/n was past out in the passenger seat I woke them up when we got to the ice-cream place Y/n seemed mad that people where looking me that way.. Even though they are aware I'm use to being looked that way. I still love how they still care about the way people look at me. A mom, father where looking at me and 4 kids where confused in why I was and many other adults that brought there children or there boyfriend/girlfriend there stared at me and I could tell Y/n was about to scream..

"Hey! Stop staring at him like that and mind your own damn buisness!" Everyone looked away and went back with what to what they where doing most likely scared do to how Y/n's voice sounded close to wanting to kill, we ordered our ice-creams and ate.

"So, why did you bring me here? It's obvious that you wanted to bring me here." I looked at Y/n they seemed so confused though, "Y/n it's your birthday.." Y/n looked at me before replying "Oh. Why does that matter??"

Was Y/n not interested in celebrating there own birthday but they spoke up "Well, I guess we could celebrate." I looked at them excited as ever I don't remember celebrating birthday's since Chris's death.. But anyhow, let's make this Y/n's and my best day of our lives!


It has been three years sense that day.. Y/n gone missing a year ago my father said he would never do it wich I hope he is telling the truth I miss them so much! Y/n why did you dissapear so sudden?!..

(Yes Chris is a soul that can communicate and plus I need drama don't judge me (;'༎ຶٹ༎ຶ'))

"Michael.." Of course Chris would be here "What do you want." Chris sighed loudly "Michael I think I found something connected to Y/n." I looked up and stared at Chris "The only thing I found was the hoodie of yours they gave you, it didn't look old and it had Y/n L/n (last name)..!" I looked at Chris for a moment sat on my bed and replied "Was it on the tag diaganoly with there scribbly handwriting..?" Chris nodded truthfully.. "I'm a hundred percent sure it's Y/n's!" I smiled softly to know the love of my life is alive.. Y/n we will find you.


We found Y/n they where passed out nose bleed scars bruises they only had the T-shirt I given them half a year ago they where crying "I miss you so much Michael.." They didn't know I was there, eventually Y/n randomly passed out so I took this as a chance to get them to the house we shared.


~Third person POV~

Y/n woke up to a sleep Michael holding them in his arms sleeping on the couch seem to be sitting down to.. That's when Y/n realized where they where they were at home, the place Y/n loved dearly. But it was only home to them if Michael was living with them, they missed Michael oh so dearly Y/n huddled up close to Michael, he woke up just as Y/n fell asleep 'They look so peaceful asleep.' he thought to himself while looking at Y/n.

(;'༎ຶٹ༎ຶ') ~Michaels POV~

I woke up do to someone moving around it was Y/n the love of my life I haven't seen since last year Chris saw it all happen. I started using my comforting methods I have learned over the years to be able to calm them down. So I played with there hair because they seemed scared.

Simon soon came to my suprise he was calm around Y/n and was happy I found them I was too I love you, Y/n.." I said in there ear while Simon left and I fell asleep.

A/N: <>v<> I hope this is a pleasing chapter also, would you all like me to tell you what happened over the year you where missing in the story you can always say the stuff you want to happen! <3


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