~School Romance Young!Dean Winchester imagine (p.1)

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You were the "new" girl in school and don't know anybody whatsoever. You were standing in the front of the high school classroom with about 30 kids either laughing, staring, or just plain not paying attention. You had on you brown boots, left boot holding your butterfly knife and a black shirt with an red leather jacket and that had a small container holding salt and a silver dagger in your jacket as well. You were a hunter (obviously) and the last thing on your mind was going to school.

"Everyone," the teacher, Mrs. Merrel, announced with you crossing your arms and looking down, your hair covering your face. "Please welcome y/n. Is there anything you would like to tell us?"

"Um... No..."

The teacher frowned and whispered to you "you can go sit in front of Dean Winchester, the one in brown jacket." You sigh and sit in front of him. He whistles but you ignore it. You look down an notice you knife is sticking out of your boot. Quickly you reach down to tuck it in.

Dean puts his arms on the back of your chair and whispers in your ear, "So." he starts to touch your neck. His fingers were cold and you quickly reached back to twist them.

"Go to hell!" You hiss quietly, whip around and stomp on his foot. He smirks and leans back in his chair.

"Awe c'mom baby!" He says quietly.

"You're going to be writing a 5 page essay on an important family moment on your lives," the teacher announced, handing everyone 5 pieces of blank scratch paper.


You walk in the halls of the school with your head down. You open your locker and Dean comes up to you, resting his elbow in the locker to the side of you.

"So, you completely ignored me in class today," the was a smirk upon his face and he brushed the loose hair out of your face-to-face

"Get the hell away!" You hissed, smacking his hand making your jacket open and your salt container fall onto the ground. "Oh umm... that's uh.. mine..."

Deans eyes widened and he quickly picked it up.

"What the hell," he whispered. You tucked it back into your jacket, revealing your dagger. "Are you... are you a- a Hunter...?"

"What are you talking about?!" You snarled, slammed your locker shut and brushed passed him.

He finally caught up to you. "You are, aren't you?!"

"How do you know about hunting..?" You asked suspiciously but before he could answer the bell rang and you went off to the next class.

At the end of the day, Dean followed you out of the school. You walked faster on the cement path home, but he eventually caught up.

"What I know about hunting is I am a hunter."

You got confused for a second but eventually remembered your conversation from earlier.

"Oh," you simply said and walked a little faster, ignoring him and trying to get him out of your mind. You stopped in your tracks as he put a hand on your shoulder. You immediately got defensive and whipped around him, pulling the silver dagger to his neck.

"Look I don't know who you are, so leave me the fuck alone!" You spit the words out like venom. You cut his shoulder a bit and walked off.


The next day at school you saw Dean, his jacket had a small bloodstain on it and you immediately felt bad. He looked at you and smirked and you soon felt annoyance again.

You took your seat in front of him and he started to play with your hair. Even though you didn't want to, you apologized.

"Sorry about your shoulder..." You mumbled and he stopped playing with your hair to look at his shoulder.

"Whatever... I've had worse," he shrugged and you breathed out in relief you didn't hurt him.

You talked to Dean for the rest of class and realized he wasn't such a terrible person. You two agreed to meet after school at the football field at 9:00 pm, so you had to sneak out.

You two laid in the middle of the field and talked about life, hunts you've been on, the crap that goes on in your families while gazing at the stars shining and sparkling in the sky. You suddenly felt like you could tell him anything. You blushed when he brushed a strand of hair out of your face and hope the nighttime prevented him from seeing it. He saw it anyway.

"You are beautiful," he mumbled and you smirked.

"I'm sorry, what was that? I didn't quite catch that."

Dean lightly shoved you and you laughed, blushing harder. He looked you in the eyes and pulled you into a kiss.

Your eyes flew open, unexpected of the kiss, but eventually you lips moved in synch. He pulled you in closer and put his hands on your neck. You two eventually broke apart and he kissed your forehead.

"Y/n l/n, I think I'm in love with you."

You laughed and looked at the time. Midnight.

"I gotta get home," you smiled sadly. "I'll see you tomorrow?" You asked, only to have Dean pull you in for a kiss. You laughed again. "I'll take that as a yes?"


"Bye, Dean."


The next day at school, Dean didn't show up for school. You started to panic. When it was lunch, you opened your locker for a note to fall out. From Dean.


I love you so much, but I had to leave. 2 reasons. My dad came back and he kinda forced me to go. I was hesitant at first, but then I agreed. Which brings me to reason 2. I agreed because everyone I love gets hurt. I can't stay with you. I hope desperately I can see you again.

Love, Dean Winchester.

Tears started to form in you eyes after you read the letter.

"No," you whispered to your self. "Please Dean, come back." But you knew to your self later on, he was just be a distant memory of your first love.

Ok so was that good? I don't know. Normally they won't be this long but I was just blazing with ideas. I'm gonna make a part two after a few stories. Make sure to follow me on Instagram on my fandom account

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