13 friend or foe?

Start from the beginning

Sapnap was surprised as he saw how he acted and he felt a bit of defensiveness start to blossom in his chest but he just tried to ignore it since he felt that he had no reason to feel jealous or defensive. Dream didn't speak, he just ate then left.

As night fell and the rain seemed to only pour harder a traveler headed to his camp, he was tired and cold as the rain soaked him and weighed him down. When he came to the entrance of the cave he was residing in he went rigid as he saw the faint glow of a dying fire and having been gone for a day and a half he knew that his fire would have been long gone. He pulled a sword out apprehensively as he slowly made his way closer and he ever so slightly moved the tent entrance ready to fight should he need to but he made a soft sound of shock as he looked at what was inside, three shivering teens asleep. He put his sword away awkwardly, his hands were a bit clamy as he let the curtain like entrance close and he sighed softly. He tended to the fire so it could help provide some warmth and then he removed his forest green pancho like cover as he sat with a black shirt and his puffed green pants. He took his green and white bucket hat off and he stretched out a bit and he stretched out finally letting his enormous black wings stretch out so they could dry finally and loose some of that water weight.

When his pancho dried rather than put it back on he went in the tent and he moved Tommy from the floor onto the bed and he covered them in the soft fabric to keep them warm. He then made himself a makeshift bed by the fire and managed to shut his eyes for a little before they woke.

When the morning came Y/n was the first to wake having been the first to sleep. She sat there a moment basking in the warmth and comfort of being with her family as she heard the soft sound of something cooking...until she remembered the events from before and her eyes shot open with fear and she panicked looking as the green cloak. She sat up too quickly and groaned in pain as she felt a sharp pain in her side and she placed her hands to the poorly wrapped bandages that were starting to gather blood as she moved and the awkward wound opened and started to bleed a bit. She covered her mouth as she realized that both of her companions were beside her. She hoped the stranger hadn't heard her but the hope was put out as a head poked into the tent.

"Oh your awake....Um good morning it's nice to see your alive.." the blonde man looked a bit confused himself but he had a soft look on his face.

"W-who are you" she tried to sound angry like Tommy but it was hard through the throbbing pain in her side and the fear she felt.

"I could ask the same as you took over my campsite" the man said as he took notice of the state they were in. He opened the tent up properly letting in the early morning sunlight that started to wake the boys but y/n's face changed to shock as she saw his wings. They were enormous and a beautiful deep black that was oh so captivating.

Tubbo sat up confused his hair a mess that covered his eyes a bit "y/n...why are you up?" He mumbled before he saw the stranger. He had gone tense as he heard the horned teen call her name.

Tommy got up after long annoyed and he looked between them then at the stranger "I feel as if we may be in danger-"

"Shut up Tommy-" tubbo whispered but this name wasn't kept from the mans ears either

"s-So...do you three want breakfast or not?" He said as he walked away a bit and he gave them room to emerge from the tent without feeling too close to him.

They were hesitant but Tommy got up and he helped up Y/n and then he and tubbo emerged first Y/n following them out. They soon were seated beside the fire and Phil couldn't help but smile a bit as he handed them some food.

"So, I suppose we should make acquaintances...Im Phil..and this is the tent I set up for traveling..." he said as he looked them over

"I'm tubbo...this is Y/n and Tommy... we're members of L'manburg but we're trying to hide from the king of the Smp kingdom..." he said simply as they ate, Tommy looked fine as his wounds were mostly healed but Y/n looked uncomfortable as she tried to position herself in a way that didn't bother her wound

Phil just nodded a bit and he looked them over and he sat up. "I...if you'd like I can help patch you up then help you home...I don't think you three will make it far on your own in this state"

Tommy frowned "and how can we trust you only man...for all we know you could try and get rid of us-" he huffed but he was surprised as phil only laughed softly in response

"If I was looking to just get rid of you I'd have done it when I saw you at my camp asleep. Now...I don't have much but i do have some clothes you lot can change into and use to hide a bit better, and...y/n if you're ok with it I can help with your bandages" he said motioning to her bloodied bandages.

She was surprised by his kindness but she seemed to think of over before nodding. They finished breakfast and Phil gave them clothes like he said he would and let them change in the tent as he prepared some better medical supplies all the while his mind was on fire.

Phil had an aching suspicion about the two but he'd have to wait to confirm it. He watched as they emerged from the tent, his clothes big on them as they had to use small ties to hold some of it up on their bodies. He felt his heart swell a bit but he simply motioned Y/n sit and hold her shirt up so he could tent to the wound.

"So...where might you kids really be from...you don't sound like L'manburg..." he said as he carefully unwrapped the bandages she had on her stomach.

"Uh...well...we..we're from a town farther out...I-it's small though so I doubt you'd know it" y/n didn't know why she was spilling to an absolute stranger but she felt safe and she winced as he could now see the fresh burn that was perfectly shaped as Sapnaps hand. Phil seemed to frown as well but his eyes moved to a birthmark to the side of the burn. He held his breath but just nodded a bit

"We'll give me a name...I've been around" he said and he started to more properly tend to her as he waited eagerly for her answer.

"Logstedshire-" she said and she was surprised as his face contorted to some unreadable emotion.

"O-oh..." he said softly and started to wrap her up more properly

"Is something wrong?" Tubbo finally chimed in

Phil shook his head and he secured the bandages "we should get going...we'll be going the long way since you three...you don't seem to be able to fly.." he said a bit carefully.

After they gathered their things and made sure to pack up everything they headed out, phill had made sure to find some way to cover their faces and Tubbo had gone back to hiding his animalistic features.

Phil led them quietly as he seemed to be lost in thought while the three teens spoke softly amongst themselves

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