I tried to stretch my Legs in Bed

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I tried to stretch my legs in bed,
Hoping to rid thoughts of ending up dead.
And rid myself of my bed head.

I had lain awake shivering in the coldness of nightmares,
And blanketed by the hugs of darkness.
Feeling protected by my demons for once.

I tried to stretch my legs in bed,
And panicked when I saw your head.
I panicked, and saw red.

I was reminded of your grimy hands,
And all the times I vented in Sans.
The darkness on those nights were absent and idle hands.

I tried to stretch my legs in bed,
But i couldn't get rid of the memories of red,
Trailing down my now scarred leg.

I couldn't escape your touch,
I was imprisoned by your 'mad love' for me.
Let me go feel free as a dove.

I tried to stretch my legs in bed,
Reminiscing of the life I've led.
And all the times ive bled.

Freedom seems foreign now,
I'm imprisoned in a free world, I dont know how.
Soon enough, my feelings may need a plough.

I tried to stretch my legs in bed,
But I could never understand what went through your head.
If you loved me so much, Couldnt you have left me alone instead?

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