"Sofia!" Theodore came to her side when he saw her crying.

"Dad, Theo – he hasn't woken up!" Sofia cried.

"What happened?" Theodore asked.

"It came out of nowhere," the student he's never met spoke, her voice was cracking. "We were looking by the Shrieking Shack and then it suddenly attacked us – Theo said that it was after him – he made me go back to call for help – I'm so sorry – I should have stayed to help him –"

"There was nothing you could have done, Miss Roth," McGonagall comforted the girl.

"Dad, Theo – he's badly hurt," Romulus told him.

Theodore turned to the room he was told his son was in and was about to enter but Healers and Neville stopped him.

"LET ME GO! I NEED TO SEE MY SON!" Theodore roared.

"Theodore, the Healers are still working on him – you can't enter," Neville told him as he held him back.


"We will tell you but you need to calm down first!"

Theodore grabbed Neville by the collage of his robes. "I'll calm down once I see for myself that my son is alright!"

"Mister Nott, please," McGonagall took Theodore's hand and pried it off Neville.

Neville didn't take it personally as he knew that Theodore was worried for Theo. The boy was attacked by an Obscurus! Even he would be acting this way if his own daughter was the one there.

"Theodore, please," McGonagall held him down.

"I need to know if he's alive, please," Theodore begged.

McGonagall saw tears building up in the man's eyes.

"After Roth went to get help," Neville told him. "We managed to find Theo being attacked by the Obscurus – we couldn't get near it because of it power – but, suddenly, he cast a powerful fire spell that kept the Obscurus away from him – but it also burned him, Theodore. Right now, the Healers are trying to regenerate his skin and try to prevent permanent scarring – that's why you can't go in there!"

Theodore turned to the door where his son was inside, he peeked into the room and saw him being tended my three Healers – and one of them was Maisie – trying their best to heal his son.

"He lost consciousness after the attack," Neville continued. "And then his phoenix came and let him drink its tears to heal him inside – we've contacting Carina, but we can't reach Sinora... I know you're afraid for Theo, but you need to trust Maisie and the Healers to cure him... but right now, your other children needs you... they tried to get to Theo – they saw him lose consciousness – they saw him hurt... they need you right now."

Theodore turned to his sons and daughter. He saw Sofia crying in Romulus' arms while Viktor tried his best to calm himself but the sight of his brother's burned body was haunting him. Theodore went to his three eldest, Sofia got up and wrapped her arms around him and cried in his chest, and with his other hand, he held Viktor, trying to comfort him.

"He was dying," Romulus spoke. "I saw it... we couldn't touch him because his flesh was... and we couldn't do anything – we're his older siblings and we just stood there and watch."

"You couldn't have done anything, Sirius," James spoke.

"We could have tried to save him – I could have saved him –"

"Sirius," Theodore called his son. "You can't blame yourself for what happened – understand? Neither of you can... this was out of your control."

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