A Normal Day In Life

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Oh. God.. Then I said "Well um.. Uh.."..then I said "Alright! See you! Tommorrow we can go see all that behind the stage scenes, that will be fun, right?" then my phone rang and I left.


I went to the cage where the raptors were and saw.. Aha! Owen! He was training with the raptors and Niagara was with him too! I saw Niagara look at me and then I motioned her to focus on Owen, which she did

" These are some controlled things!" Hoskins said.. Tch! Bloody hate this.. Shithead..

Then Owen came out and I rushed towards him and gave him a hug "Hey Heiress! Didn't see you for a long time!" Then I chuckled and said "Yeah well.. I was busy.. Doing some work so.. Yeah? And! Great work with these five! Niagara is always so stubborn though!"

Then Owen said "She will be, she is the youngest, the youngest always depends on the oldest to be the most mature, so she thinks she doesn't need to be mature, don't worry, growing up, she will be fine!"

Then Hoskins came towards us and said "Wow that was incredible! These things can be controlled so.. Perfectly.. Imagine them being in Ingen.!"

Haaa.. Again with trying to take the raptors away from me.. "Yeah well its not always a happy ending! And these are raptor not things!" Owen said.. "AAAAHHHHH!"?! We looked behind and saw.. What the hell?!

Oh god.. This new guy..! Me and Owen sprinted towards the Cage and When Owen Opened the cage we went inside then I heard Garry calling us to come back! Then Owen came forward of Charlie and Blue and I stopped Niagara, Echo and Delta then I saw Echo moving towards him "Don't even think about it Echo!" Then I saw Niagara "Niagara, no!"  Then Garry took away the new guy and Then I told Harry "Garry! Close the Gate!"

Then Garry Said "Are you crazy!?" then Owen said "Just trust us!" Then Garry pressed the button to close the Gate then Me and Owen rolled out of the cage and when the gate got closed The raptors growled

"Ever wondered why there was always a vacant in this job?" the new guy got more scared by the sentence I said and then I saw Niagara growling at him from behind the gate! Yikes!

Then me and Owen went to his cabin little far away from the park and then he started to clean his bike" Hey, Hammond, pass me the coke, I am thirsty! " Then I got a coke from the mini fridge near me and handed him the bottle!

" Thanks! " after sometime when he was halfway finishing his drink I saw a.. Grey SUV.. I know that Car..

Oof! Its Claire!" Ms Hammond! You had a meeting with the inspectors today! I had to manage them all!".. Tch!

"If you guys can build loads of dinosaurs without my permission, you can handle few inspectors, right?".. Then place went in an awkward silent but then Claire said "Mr Grady, I want you to come and.. Take a look at something!" I snorted and then Owen said "WHY are you calling me.. Mr. Grady?" then Claire said "Owen, if you're not too busy, oh, and Lex, I want you to take a look too!"

Then Owen said "I am pretty busy, and so is she!" Then he drank his coke and then Claire said "We have an attraction!"

Then Owen said "That's not what you said the last time I saw you!" I snorted and then she said "I am talking about the Dinasour, Mr. Grady-" Owen! "

" New species is been made "then A fly was buzzing around Claire and then Owen grabbed it in one second, Show off!

" You just went and made a new Dinasour? " then I said" Apparently that's what has been happening!".

" Yeah it's uh.. Kinda what we do here! " Then she said" We wanted to show it to the public but before it we wanted  to consult it with you and  with Mr. Masrani! "

The Heiress (Zach Mitchell) (Complete)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ