The councilmen talked among themselves for a minute, leaving Nick to question if he had sounded convincing.

Pentecost leaned over, whispering something in the doctor's ear. Pentecost then stood back in place, leading Nick to raise his hand.

Teruo shook his head, "Sheesh, we are screwed."

Shobi nudged his arm, "Shush, he's doing good so far."

One of the councilmen noticed Nick through their screen, "Dr.Tatopoulos, you have something to add?"

Nick shook as he was surprisingly caught off guard, "I do. I hope you were all informed that Cherno Alpha and Royal Monarch were destroyed recently. They died fighting a monster that had used a fallen jaeger to sneak back onto this planet. The pilots of Jet Jaguar informed us that they are retiring, but asked that Jet Jaguar continue to be utilized by future pilots. As for the other Jaegers, their numbers are dropping fast. Monarch believes the Titans can buy us some time while surviving jaegers are restored, new mechs are made, and more pilots are brought into the program."

"Do you have that much faith in these animals?"

"I do." Nick thought of Zilla, seeing the footage of his friend bleeding out with the massive gash in his throat, "Four Titans have attacked and aided Godzilla in fending off this new kaiju. If we do not act fast, and more Titans are killed, this threat will become more disastrous over time."


"From that same survivor in Peru, she said something was inside the kaiju. She noted that whatever it was, is another kaiju. It feeds off the insides of other titans, growing with every Titan it encountered." Nick shivered as he looked to Pentecost, "Which leads us to this footage."

Pentecost pulled up another video, revealing to everyone in that meeting the abomination that was Harvester.

One of the council members gagged as another held his aching stomach.

Teruo felt uneasy, seeing something made of other creatures move around. The way it moved mimicked that of a newborn child, slowly taking steps. The pilot then noticed Shobi shaking, he almost thought she was scared but her glare could kill a man.

"What is that thing?" One of the leaders asked.

"We don't know what to call it. But it not only stole the intestines of the Titans, it absorbed everyone escaping Isla de Mara." Nick glanced to Pentecost who pulled up a recording of Oblivion letting Harvester fill the choppers.

"We don't know what it is, but it has grown large enough to register at a Category 4." Pentecost played another clip of Harvester fusing back into Oblivion, "This isn't just a single threat, the Titan Hunter is helping this thing grow even larger. How big it can get, is still being discussed. These recordings are to show you that not only are Titans in danger but humans as well. Every civilian from Isla de Mara is inside that kaiju. These two need to be stopped and the only two Jaegers we have available are Gypsy Danger and Delta Wolf."

Teruo's head dropped, feeling his stomach churn at the realization that he was one of the last few pilots.

"What about project Kiryu, doctor?"

"Yes, we were informed of his supposed evolution into a kaiju? If this is true, why haven't you killed it before it turns on us? Reports say this monster's radiation levels are higher than Godzilla. If this is true, everyone on that base could be exposed to that radiation."

"Sir, our research division has been doing all they can to ensure that we are safe. Kiryu expressed power never before seen when it evolved. You have to believe me when I say Kiryu might be more helpful now that it's a kaiju instead of a jaeger."

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