❤ Two ❤

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I streaked into the boarding school, pushing my way past people. How was I late? I got up at 6:00 AM!

I barged into the classroom, looking around as I panted and struggled to catch my breath. The classroom felt drafty and made a chill run down my spin, and the lights were dimmed as a documentary was being played. And to my surprise, there stood the same boy who had tripped, standing right up front as he looked at me with wide-eyes. "Well, Mr Morales. Looks like you've got an acquaintance. You're late, Ms Parker." I heard the teacher snap at me, causing me to tear my gaze away from the boy.

" I-.. erm.. " I stammered, trying to whip up a decent excuse. "Well, Einstein said time was relative, right? Maybe we're not late, you guys are just early." The boy said with an innocent smile. I slightly facepalmed, shaking my head as the teacher simply scowled. A girl with short, blonde hair laughed, causing a few people to look over. "Sorry.. It was just so quiet." She chuckled, looking down. "You two going to stand there, or are you going to take look seat?" The teacher pitched in sternly.

Both of us took a seat near the back of the room, as the documentary continued to play. A strange coincidence that there were two open seats beside eachother, huh?

"Are you okay?.." I whispered to him, slightly looking over. "Huh?" The boy asked in confusion, looking towards me out of the corner of his eye. "I mean.. I saw you trip, and I.. Y'know.. Was wondering if you were okay." I explained nervously, now fumbling with my gloved fingers out of habit. "Oh, man, you saw that?.." He slightly coughed, causing me to quietly laugh into my hand. The teacher looked at us firmly, and we both snapped back forward silently.

I sat at a table alone in the cafeteria, working on a five-page essay due in a couple days. I rubbed my face with my gloved hand, slightly groaning in irritation. The students sitting around the tables near me all chattered away with eachother without a care in the world, as I spotted the same boy from class enter, looking down at a slip of paper.

Squinting, I noticed red ink bleeding through the back of the paper, reading 100/100. I watched as he settled down in a corner table, rubbing his face with what looked like a heavy sigh. He got a good grade, why was he disappointed? I wanted to go over and talk to him, I figured it was the perfect chance, but deep down I knew it wasn't. I'm sure he needed some time alone with his thoughts.

I looked down at my essay paper, brushing away the shaving from my eraser and continuing to stress myself out over the stupid assignment.

I stood silently outside the dorm that was assigned to me, staring blankly at the door. My roommate wasn't around when I got to drop off my stuff, so.. I didn't really know who I was paired with. That's the problem. What if I get some weirdo or something? Only one way to find out.

Slowly, I gripped the doorknob and opened the door, peeking into the small but roomy dorm, my eyes training steadily onto someone who was sitting on the upper bunk. She snapped her head around to look at me, an excited smile sweeping over her face. "You must be my roomie! I've been wating for ages to meet you!" She grinned, rolling herself off the top bunk.

"Heheh..yeah.." I said nervously, messing with my gloves. The girl who stood in front of me was fairly tall, with long black hair that I swear reached her waist. She was your normal-looking dorky teen, she was zitty and looked as if she was dressed in hand-me-downs, but she seemed really nice. Thank goodness.

"I'm Millie!" She said, her face turning red out of embarrassment once she noticed her clothes scattered messily around the room. "Paisley," I answered, tossing my backpack down onto the lower bunk and fishing out my essay. I wanted to get to know her a little more, y'know, make it less awkward, but I had to get this essay done or else I was going to flunk this class.

"Hey! Paisley? Helloo? You alive?"
"Mmh.. " I groaned, flickering my eyes open to see Millie's pale, zitty face inches away from mine. Slightly shrieking, I shoved her back out of instinct and caused her to topple backward forecefully, tripping over my empty suitcase. "S- ..Sorry!" I stammered, sitting up and combing my hair out of my face. "Woah.." Millie groaned, rubbing the back of her head as she regained balance, "Your freaking strong!"

Yeah. That's what happens when you have the genetics of Spider-Man. Speaking of my dad, that was the first thing I heard after Millie clicked on the little TV in the corner of our dorm.
"..Spider-Man has been witnessed by many streaking through the streets of New-York and being followed by a masked man cloaked in purple, known as the Prowler. Isn't this a sight for sore eyes, good ole Spider-Man being chased."

I tilted my head, watching the TV through narrowed eyes as they showed the footage of Peter web swinging from building to building with the Prowler barreling behind him. I never witnessed him being the one to run, what was going on? The thought made my Spidey-senses kick in and the hairs on both my neck and arms pricked up.

"Woah, kinda pathetic if you ask me. I never really was too fond of that guy," Millie commented, but I wasn't paying attention. " Hey, um, I gotta get to class... See you, " I said quickly, pelting out of the door. "Hey!-- You forgot your backpack!--" She yelled after me, but I was already gone, streaking down the sidewalk while yanking off my black gloves. I usually hated shooting webs or any of that attention-drawing stuff, but I was panicking at the moment and didn't have any other choices.

Let's see. How did Peter do this again? Still running, I cut into the road and weaved dangerously between moving cars, slowly extending my hand out towards a bus that was a small distance ahead. And with that, a sticky, silky web string flew from my wrist and latched itself onto the back of the bus, causing me to suddenly be yanked forward. My screams were muffled due to the fact that I was holding my gloves between my teeth, as I toppled onto the top of bus and stuck there, like a horrified lizard.

Once I finally worked up the guts, I got to my feet and began looking all around me. They were nearby, I just knew it. But where?

It seemed that before I could let another thought cross my mind, my question was answered. Squinting, I could see that familiar bright red blurr swinging from building to building, and behind it was an agressive flash of purple. The Prowler. What was this guys deal?

I raced after them into the subway, not knowing how I still had the energy to keep running. Sliding to a stop, I watched frantically as my eyes fixed onto Peter, who now had no where to go. I could hear his grunts of pain as he dragged himself away from the Prowler, shooting webs his way in a panicked attempt to stop him. I knew why he was acting this way. His leg was broken.

I stood, practically paralized, as things were being thrown and dirt was fogging into the air as the chaos erupted. I looked around frantically, narrowing my eyes once I caught sight of something that wasn't a flash or red or purple. It was a boy, standing smack in the middle of the hell-scene and looking mortified just like I was. After a few minutes of squinting at him, I remembered that familiar fluffy haircut of his. It was the same boy from Visons Academy, the one that had tripped into the crosswalk. Woah, what was he doing here??

I am so sorry for any spelling errors.

🌻She's A Sunflower🌻   || ❤ Reader X Miles Morales ❤Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ