Part 10

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"Remind me not to make you mad" He says as I help him up

"Your swings were decent but you need to have more force when you punch. Just try it" I tell him

He does what I tell him and He lands a strong punch to my left cheek again. I smile and look at him

"See that's better" I say laughing

"But I just hit you in the face" He says worried

"I'm fine it's part of training" I tell him as we go check on the others.

I watch as Missy once again flirts with Wild Card.

"You just going to let her take your mans like that?" Noodles asks walking up next to me and Facemaker.

"We're just friends. He can date whoever he wants" I say sadly

They look at me and clear their throats.

"Tell him, we know you like him. It'll make things so much easier" Facemaker says

"Um no, absolutely not" I say walking towards the shade

"Why? He likes you too" Noodles says

"If he liked me like I like him, He would be flirting with Missy" I say closing my eyes and getting comfortable

"Well maybe you should tell him how you feel and he won't flirt with Missy" Acapella says joining the conversation

"You know too?" I ask looking at her

"We all know except Missy and Wild Card apparently

"Look i'm not telling him, I'm not ready. Now we should should probably go before that ship does something" I say pointing up

Abuelita calls us all over and directs us to this secret tunnel. We all say our goodbyes and go through, walking as everyone talks about why our parents were taken so easily. I don't say anything I just sit there and listen. Missy and Wild card are the first ones out and they talk privately while looking at ojo's drawings. I lean up against the wall and Noodles looks at me worried.

"What happened to your face?" He asks

"I let Facemaker land a few hits" I answer

"You have a black eye" Noodles says

"Yep. anything else?" I ask

"And your okay with that?" He asks in response

"Yep. honestly it doesn't hurt anymore so i'll be fine" I answer as Missy and Wild Card explain the plan to everyone else.

I stand there and listen to the plan before running towards the ship with everyone else.

"Wheels close the door" Missy orders

"Not everyone's here" He says

I move towards the door and see slow-mo running slowly

"Slow-mo freeze" I yell

He stops moving and I focus my energy on pulling to us. I hold my hand out and Slow-mo zooms towards us in a single blink. I pull him inside and Wheels closes the door. I let out a breath and rest my head up against the wall.

"Wheels you wanna get this thing moving" I say

"You do it" He says looking at all the buttons.

I sit down in the chair and get the ship up in the air and heading for space. I let Wheels take control once we get into space. I go and sit on the floor checking my phone hoping to see something from our parents.

"Ace, your nose" Fast tells me worried

I wipe my nose on a tissue from my pocket and I see that my nose is bleeding.

"It happens sometimes, It's no big deal" I say putting the tissue in my pocket and checking my phone again.

I put my phone down and make eye contact with Wild Card. He smiles and I look away quickly. I get up and walk over towards Noodles and he puts his arm around my shoulder.

"You gonna be okay?" He asks

"As soon as we find our parents, yeah" I answer

I see the ship pull into a larger ship and we all stop talking and moving Noodles stretches his head out to see if the coast is clear we all walk out and make our way around.

"I am I just really small or is this ship humongous?" 

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