Part 8

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"Missy lets go" I say pulling towards the others

We get to a dead end and there is a swarm of guards around us

"What now? That was our only way out" Rewind says

"Not our only way" Wild Card says pointing up towards a small opening in the ceiling

"Acapella can you get us up there?" Missy asks

"To go high I need to sing really ... LOW" Acapella sings

Things start levitating off the ground and a few of the guards start to float off the ground forming a ladder like thing we all climb up, using the guards. We got to the top and acapella made everything fall once we all got out and we all ran towards the bus to take us outside.

"Noodles access card" Wild Card yells towards him

Noodles stretches his arm and doesn't reach. I put my hands in my pocket and I realize I still have the key Marcus left. I fumble getting it out of my pocket and Swipe it quickly opening the door and we all rush in before the doors close and we start moving.

"I really forgot I had this" I say putting the card in my back pocket before sitting down

"It'll only take us to the end of the track, and guards are already forming" Wheels says

"Acapella, make us fly" Wild Card says

We all brace ourselves and Acapella made us fly. The train car rattled and we slowly lifted off the ground. I told everyone to hold on.

"You too Guppy" 

She slammed her hand against the pole and glared at me. I sat down next to Fast forward and Ojo and we watched as Noodles broke the glass and stretched out to grab the pole. He jumped out still holding the ledge and turned us around and acapella was keeping us in the air. We all pulled Noodles back into the bus and sat down in silence. Wheels and Missy talked about some place we could land and pulled my feet to my chest and closed my eyes tightly, breathing slowly so I didn't start hyperventilating.

"Ace you alright?" Missy asks sitting down next to me

"I will be as soon as we get back on solid ground" I say tilting my head up to look at her

"She's afraid of heights, It's a long story" Wild Card says

"And why is that?" Missy asks

"No offence but your the last person I want to tell Missy. I really don't want to talk about this anymore" I say standing up and walking to the otherside of the car and looking out the window

"Why not Ace?" Missy asks

"Because I was up about this high when the plane crashed killing my Mom, My real Mom" I say slamming my hand against the wall 

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