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Ring, ring, my alarm clock blared , the sun was blinding my closed eyes through my window , I tried to ignore it but failed. I blinked once, twice then I opened my eyes very slowly trying to break my sleep. The time was 7 am I looked at my room. It had some records and a few posters on the walls. The color was blue and it wasn't too big. It was a small flat so I can't say too much. After looking around while my eyes were adjusting I finally got out of bed. Then started my long walk to the kitchen. I hit the cold floor of the hallway rubbing my eyes the whole way and turning the lights on as I walked past them. I finally made it to the kitchen and I grabbed a glass of water and put it in the teapot and let it boil. While it was doing that I started to look through my phone and sighed. "I wonder what will happen today." My thick Irish accent showing, I Slowly walked over to it pouring the steaming water into the cup and I grabbed a tea bag and put it in the water. I went to sit back down when the door burst open with a loud thump. 

"LOUUUUUU" had a thick British accent that I knew , Star. She had blond lush locks and looked to be about 5'2 maybe 5' 3 she was wearing a pink cardigan that matched her blue eyes perfectly. I sighed

"In here!" my accent showing again.

"Lou I heard a new boy band is looking for a writer and I have the information I think you should go for it," she said as she sat down unzipping her jacket and placing it down on the chair next to me.

"You know I only write for small people who just start and I'm not that big," I said in a soft voice.

"But Louuuuu! You're not writing for anyone right now you really have to go for I please lou" she said as she handed me the information and sighed as I took it and looked at it.

"Okay okay fine," I said in defeat.

"YES!! You won't regret this!!," she said as she jumped around "look lou I have got to get to work so you better get to that interview okay," she said happily

"Okay, I will," I say, the sound of a zipper zipping up and the door closing softly. I knew she was gone.

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