
Start from the beginning

What would it have been like if he was the main character? Acting alongside someone as stunning and talented as the other. Did they feel a sense of giddy excitement as well while looking at him...? Or was that even normal? Did living with the man change a thing...?

"Lucky," he whispered hoarsely, extending his pretty fingers towards the screen and gently guiding his nails faintly over the glass, the images moving from the lead female he'd been referring to...to Mark. As he stared longer - the plot line racing far out of his focus - he sighed. Pursuing a career in medicine was a big deal...but he felt so incomparable to his neighbour. Did the others feel this way? Probably not. Jaemin was fawned over whenever he went to work, Jeno's career was also considered 'acting' and the other boys were still giant mysteries or stayed at home. For Mark.

Their Daddy, he thought with a faltering breath, body heating up a bit with it. Oh no, what's happening?

"Whatcha got there?" A voice deeper than his own whispered against his ear, and Renjun very nearly screamed - but for the hand that clamped over his mouth. His panic was more than evident as he pushed his laptop away onto the side of the couch and twisted around to view the culprit.

Or culprits.

"Relax, Love," Jaemin chuckled quietly, face only slightly illuminated from the device that was still open and playing the film. "Watching Daddy act?"

"I-I was..." the older spluttered out, somehow feeling liked he'd been caught red-handed doing something bad. "I couldn't sleep...so I...."

"He's amazing, isn't he?" Jeno piped up, bringing his leg over the back of the couch and sitting down beside the smaller. He picked up the PC and took another fond look at the cast, suddenly missing his love now that he'd seen his face again. "We tend to not watch his movies when he's gone...It makes Hyuck upset."

"Oh, that's unfortunate," Renjun murmured, yelping again when Jaemin shuffled him over to the side and perched down to his left.

"Isn't it? He has a new film coming out in a couple of months, but we can't watch the adds. They're being released in a week or so, and the TV has to stay off."

"No offence to him or anything," the Chinese whispered, "But doesn't that just make Donghyuck a brat? Shouldn't he just suck it up and deal with it? Dating an actor has its flaws."

The pair looked over his head at each other knowingly, well acquainted with this attitude towards their little. "Well," the older of the Koreans muttered, "We all thought so too. But he's 'Mark's precious baby'," he air-quoted with a bit of an eye-roll, "So we can't upset him. We all get over it."

"Anyway, casting that crap aside," the youngest grinned mischievously, "I saw you getting all hot for his acting. C'mon, admit it. You like Mark!"

"Shhhh, it's nearly half one," Renjun gushed, "And I never denied liking his acting. I'm technically a fan."

"Not the acting, Sweetie. The actor."

"Now you're just spouting nonsense."

"Are we?" Jeno arched his brow, playfully leaning in and awakening the oldest to the fact that he'd actually been caged a while ago. With the younger boys on either side and the laptop now resting upon the coffee table...he was trapped. "You're looking very guilty, Lovely. What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?"

"Guys..." the blonde swallowed, "You're getting a bit close, don't you think?"

"Avoiding the question," Jaemin hummed. "I dunno, Jen. I think he has the hots for our boyfriend."

"It would make sense. Who doesn't?" The ravenette then brought his index and middle finger under Renjun's chin, lifting it with a bit of command and smirking victoriously. "What's this, Renjunnie? You're breathing sort of heavily."

"Don't..." the other flickered his eyes shut, lip caught between his teeth. He pressed his legs closed to suppress the warmth flooding across his body. "I don't...I don't think about Mark that way..."

"No? Then...." Jaemin giggled while forcefully pulling the oldest's legs apart, "What's this? Hm? Or that for us?"

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, the shortest panicked, bringing his hands up to press against both of their chests and make a weak attempt at creating space. It didn't work, obviously, and so he found himself in a nasty predicament.

Because they were right.

He was thinking a little too hard about Mark.

And their dominating presences surrounding him at his weakest were turning him on.

He couldn't let them mess with him though. After what happened this evening, he was almost certain they thought of him as 'weak' or 'easy'. Renjun needed to put a stop to that.

So why wasn't he?

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It gets spicey next chapter, so you've been warned

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