The boys pov

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"Guys ready to go? I think Violet woke up" Liam said as he checked his phone.

" alright" Harry called from the next aisle.

The boys made it to the front cashier and then walked outside with their shades on. Luckily they weren't bombarded by groups of girls. They got into the car and drove back to the house.

"boys, i just got a text from El saying that Violet never came back to the house." Louis interuppted.

The car halted to a stop and panic flew to their faces.

"what!!" they all yelled at Louis.

" El said that she went out for a walk and said she'd be back but she never did. She has been gone for hours"

" Oh my god. Harry drive to the house now!" He did what was told and passed by parked cars and stop signs,



The boys rushed into the house fumbling wtih the keys and bum rushed inside.

"Girls where did you last see her! You were supposed to watch her!" Liam yelled.

"We're so sorry. She said she wanted to go for a walk and then she never returned."

"im going to try and call her." NIall announced.

They all paced back and forth as Niall dialed Violet's number. It felt like hours until they heard her voicemail.

Hi you've reached Violet's voicemail now leave your name and number and I will gladly get back to you

"No luck" Niall stated before hustling through the kitchen.

The phone rang and all eyes turned to the phone.

Zayn picked it up and answered while putting it on speaker.

"hello?" Zayn said

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