Chapter 7: Recovery

Comenzar desde el principio

"Don't worry doc I'll be with her."

"Good. Here are your prescription and I'll send someone in to wheel you out. And before you try to protest it's hospital policy and you know that."

I just scowled at Will. "fine."

Will left the room and a nurse came into wheel me out of the hospital. Kelly had pulled his car up to the curb. He got me situated and we headed towards my house.



"Can... can we go see Anna?" I wanted to go sit at my daughters grave. After nearly almost dying.

"Sure we can." Kelly headed in the direct of where Anna was buried. Once there Kelly helped me out of the car and over to Anna's grave.

I just sat down staring at the headstone. "Hey baby girl. I'm sorry it's been a while since I've visited you. But I'm always thinking about you. Your dad's here with me. We both miss you so much." I just started crying.

Kelly took a seat behind me and wrapped his arms around me. "Shhh it's okay." Kelly was doing his best to comfort me. We sat there for a while just talking to our little girl and telling her everything going on in our lives.

When it was time to leave we both gave a kiss to the top of the headstone. Kelly wrapped an arm around my waist and walked me over to the car. Once seated Kelly drove to get my prescriptions and then took me home.

We walked into my house and put our stuff down. I took a seat on the couch. I was exhausted. "Kelly you don't need to stay. I'm fine."

"I'm staying. Will said someone needs to be here with you." Kelly took a seat next to me. "Do you want me to help you upstairs? You look like you need to sleep."

"Yeah if you don't mind." Kelly helped me upstairs and helped me change into a nightshirt and sweat pants. "Kelly can you get me some water and my pain meds?"

"Sure thing." Kelly went back downstairs grab a glass of water and my pain meds. "Here ya go."

"Thanks." I took the meds out and washed them down with the water.

"You go to sleep. I'm going to go downstairs for a bit." I gave Kelly a nod and fell asleep.

Kelly went back downstairs and sat on the couch. He picked up his phone and called Casey.

"Hey Severide. How's it going?"

"It's okay. I just got Shelby home and she's upstairs sleeping. Will wants someone with her at all times for at least the next 2 weeks."

"Okay, do you want me to find you a relief at the firehouse?"

"Yes. That would be great. Thank you Casey."

"Don't mention it."

"Casey I think there is more to Shelby's story then what she told me."

"You still thinking about what Will said?"

"Yes and I just don't understand why she won't tell me. "

"Maybe she's afraid you will run?"

"But I won't. I want her back so bad but she won't let me in."

"Give her some time Severide."

"Yeah I guess. I just want her to open up to me."

"She will. Did her parents show back up?"

"So far no. But I have a feeling I haven't seen the last of them yet."

"Well if you need back up we are always here for you."

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