A Bad Day To Wear Cartoon Knickers

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Chapter One
(Our Character)
Isabella is a 28 year old woman who works in A School, She has a very formal fashion sense and is a lovely brunette
Beautiful Brown Eyes, Some Nice Size C Cups, Standing at about 5'9ft she's got a very good size to her,
Now that you know a little about how our character looks let's get into the story

Chapter Two
(The Morning Before Work)

We've all been there you wake up and go straight for the coffee or at least that's what Isabella does, Isabella woke up at 6am and almost like a zombie..... A pretty naked zombie she walks down to get her cup of coffee to start of the day, She was soon awake and about ready for the day, She began to get ready wearing her, White Shirt, Black Skirt, White Bra, White Socks, She however couldn't find her White Granny Panties, This was rather frustrating because she wouldn't normally wear anything else to work but as she looked in her underwear draw no white Knickers were to be seen, Instead the only pair she had left was a pair of Pink Barbie Panties, It's either dirty washing or these she thought to herself, I hope they still fit said Isabella, I haven't worn them since I was a teen, Besides the odd wedgie they fit like a glove.

Chapter Three
(The Student)

Isabella arrives to her class, She begins teaching her lesson, Midway through she saw one child (Amy) on her phone, this was the normal for Amy she never really paid much attention but of course Isabella had to step in, Isabella calls out Amy and asked her to come to the front of the class, As Amy walks up to Isabella, Isabella asks for her phone and once received asks Amy to teach the class with her in order to encourage her to do her work, Amy wasn't pleased at all and stormed out of class.

Chapter Four
(The Big Show)
Isabella chase's after Amy who has ran to the play ground, Amy has climbed through a small gap in one of the wooden toy houses and locked it from the inside, Isabella tried to then get through the gap to Amy however half way through she got stuck, Amy soon noticed and Unlocked the door, Isabella asked Amy to help her before the kids come out to play, With break time nearly approaching Amy looked at Isabella from the outside all you could see was her bum in the air poking out, Amy smiles to herself and pulled Isabella's skirt off leaving her in a pair of Tight Pink Barbie Knickers, Amy couldn't stop laughing, I thought only toddlers wore them said Amy, Isabella is absolutely shocked and begged Amy to give her skirt back, The kids began to come out and play as Amy walks off and threw Isabella's skirt in the bin, Kids soon gathered round to stand and laugh at their teacher and her embarrassing panties.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2021 ⏰

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