Chp 16 : Epilogue - All you have to say is Yes !

Start from the beginning


    Draco immediately started sucking and biting his fiancée's neck , leaving a trail of small hickeys and making Hermione moan .
"Lets celebrate this news in the bedroom , Soon to be Mrs Malfoy , shall we ?" And started walking towards their bedroom .

  "Absolutely  Mr Malf - ahh" Hermione moaned when Draco nipped a sensitive part of her neck .

Draco laid Hermione on the king size bed , her wild hair spread over the black bedsheet . He quickly helped Hermione out of his tshirt before he himself got rid of his payjama bottoms .

    In his boxers , he loomed over Hermione's body covered only in the red lace panties , which with a flick of Draco's hand vanished .

   Hermione gasped as cold air hit her center . Draco smirked , his silver stormy eyes roaming over her body , as if he was seeing her for the first time , before he bend down and started kissing her , Hermione immediately opened , both fighting for dominance , as Draco cupped one of Hermione's breast making her arc her back as she pulled Draco's soft silky hairs .

   As Draco , started kissing her neck , going downwards , Hermione said breathlessly ,
"We are still going to Grimmauld to have dinner , don't  even think I have forgotten it "
  Draco chuckled and said - "We will see to that " before he took Hermione's taut breast into his mouth making her moan his name .


  They did went to the old Black house , which was now owned by the 'The Boy who lived' two hours later . But spending some with Hermione's annoying friends couldn't dampened Draco's mood .

  The newly married Potters and Ron Weasely , his girlfriend Parvati Patil were sitting in the kitchen around the dinning table , when Draco and Hermione entered , Draco's long pale hand around Hermione's petite waist .

   "I really don't want to know why are you so late or what took you so long " Harry said as he took into notice the big goofy grin both were wearing . Hermione slightly blushed at Harry's comment while Draco pulled Hermione even closer by his side (if possible) and bended down to kiss her on the forehead .

   "No kissing her in front us ferret , she is our bestfriend ." Ron said . Ginny smacked her brother on the head while both Harry and Parvati face plammed .
Draco just rolled his eyes , opting against picking a fight with the weasel .

   Did he mentioned before , nothing can dampened his mood today or tomorrow or for the rest of his life ??

   Both Draco and Hermione sat on the chair and Hermione placed her ring hand on the table . Ginny was the first to noticed , she squealed before going around the table to hug her friend . Harry and Ron were next , both hugging her bestfriend who had saved their life countless time before shaking Draco's hand and warning him of what would happen of him if he made Hermione unhappy even a slightest .  

    Parvati congratulated both of them saying she was happy for both of them , though she was feeling awkward and slightly nervous (Its a long story - Padmati tried to set her twin sister Padma with Draco even after knowing that Hermione liked him) .

   The rest of the night went without any hitch , discussing suitable dates for their marraige and all the other preparations to be done . Ginny wanted the marriage to be conducted as soon as possible , before her baby bump start being noticeable . She was pregnant . This was the news the married couple wanted to share . Both of them had decided to keep it a secret from the wizarding world as long as they could .

    And a noticeable baby bump in the bridesmaid gown wouldn't go unnoticed by the reporters who would definitely want a glimpse of their favorite couples marriage .

The next day was Sunday . Exactly one week from the Granger Reunion . And sure enough Draco spended his Sunday evening at his very first restaurant with Hermione like he had vowed exactly a week back dinning in the same restaurant in front of his girlfriend .

   He had closed the restaurant for the evening . It was only the two of them . He had decorated the dinning hall and their table (the same table they sat two years back on their first date) the same way it was like on their first date . No difference at all except one -

Hermione Granger was now Draco Malfoy's Fiancée .


Disclaimer : I don't own Harry Potter or any of the other Harry Potter characters . All the credits goes to J.K.Rowling .

Ta - Da !!!! Finally I am done with this story . When I first started it I didn't realise it would take me so long to complete it . But at last its done .

 Do comment and tell me how was my first attempt at writing a story (fanfic which an overused plot) .




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