Chapter 37💋

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alexa pov

"matching? yes we should match" I said picking oliva up and taking her to the bed placing her down

i was planning on asking ale if we could go shopping for oliva but he put the house on lockdown so no one was able to come out of the house

Olivia made us matching bracelets, I turned around to look at oliva and smiled

"are you hungry" I asked, she nodded, i walked up to her and placed her back down, we walked out and into the kitchen making her a quick sandwich

"here you go" i placed the sandwich on the table and going to the fridge getting some apple juice, i served her a cup of apple juice and gave it to her, she took a seat on the chair and started eating

I went back to the sink and started washing the dishes, the maids were all on break right now so I wanted to do it, I finish washing the dishes and grabbed a glass with alcohol

i shouldn't be drinking this right now but I really wanted to, I took a sip from my glass and looked at oliva who finished the last bite of her sandwich

"do you want some ice cream or are you full?" i asked taking another sip of my glass, oliva looked down at he stomach and laughed

"ice cream" she smiled, i laughed and placed my glass down going to the freezer, I took out the ice cream and got a bow and spoon, I placed some ice cream in the bow and passed it to oliva "thanks" she smiled

I smiled back and looked to my right seeing mar and ale and some guards walking in

"how you guys keeping up" ale said and took a seat next to oliva as mar sat on the other side

"were fine" I answered grabbing my glass

"don't mind me just gonna share some ice cream with oliva" mar said grabbing a spoon and setting back next to oliva, he took a spoon fill with ice cream and ate it, we laughed

"chocolates my favorite, was yours?" mar asked oliva, she thought about it

"vanilla" she said adding the spoon to her, mar nodded and looked at ale

"we have another mission today, it gotta do with Anderson and Polibio" mar said to ale, ale rolled his eyes

"Ofc, you don't know how bad I want both of those mother fuckers dead" ale said

"can you guys not talk about your mission and business in front of her" I nodded towards Olivia, they both got up

"right sorry" and they left, I sigh and put my glass on the sink as I waited for Olivia to finish her ice cream

ones she was finish we went back upstairs and into my room

mattia pov

"I don't think we should do anything to the girl" Alvaro said to me and Anderson, I frowned

"she's useful, very useful" i said rewatching the video of ale, Alexa and the little girl, they were taking a walk on the park before they went to lockdown "looks like both ale and alexa cares about her" I said

"that doesn't mean anything, the girls 5, how selfish can you be?" Kai leaned back putting is hands on the table

"im with cosentino and romero on this one" max said, I looked over at max and rolled my eyes

"we'll discuss more when Andrew, Jayden and Ethan arrives" i said, Anderson nodded agreeing with me, we all waited for Jayden and the rest to come

ones they all arrived we started talking business, how we're gonna take down Rosario and his mafia, this should be really easy

all of us against him

"oliva huh" Andrew said, we nodded as he frowned "why will my sister take her in" Andrew question

I shrugged
"your sister was always caring, she always cared about others first, she put others first before her, she has a heart" I said

"he's right, Alexa is the type to do that" Kairi said, we kept talking until it was time for us to go, we left walking out together

"when do we meet again?" Anderson said, me and Andrew looked at each other

"I don't know, how's tomorrow night" Andrew said, I nodded

"ok tomorrow it is" Anderson said, we walked towards our cars, there were some unfamiliar cars parked right next to ours, the doors open of the car and 2 guys came out

when I had a good look on their face I realized it was mar and ale with their people, I rolled my eyes as Anderson and Andrew laughed

"Rosario? what a surprise" Anderson walked towards ale and mar

"shut it" ale looked and Anderson then me before talking again "you guys better not go near alexa or oliva" ale said

"your wife and child? Oh no don't worry" I said laughing, ale gave me a glair, I know that isn't his child, I just wanted to get him mad, and I know he'll never marry alexa, not after her relationship and passed with me

"I mean it Polibio, they have nothing to do with you, so just stay away" ale said looking back at Anderson "same goes to you"

"don't you have something else to worry about?" I said

"don't you? go worry about your girlfriend and stop coming after a poor girl and alexa, Alexa stopped loving you the day you brain washed her, stop trying your best to even make her look at you" ale snapped, my eyes widen, he did not just talk to me like that

"You still have your guts huh? I thought you learned your lesson the day I killed your dad"

"fuck you" ale responded

"you said it yourself, we're on war, and I won't be easy on you"

"plsss, I'll like to see you try your best" mar said pulling ale as they walked back to their car

"we will" Anderson smirk as mar and ale got in their car and drove off

"assholes" Jayden said

"he isn't gonna give up is he?" Ethan said, I looked at him and shook me head 'no', ale won't give up until he gets his revenge, even if it means not resting a bit

"then we start now"

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