Chapter 5💋

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I woke up to a text and my phone ringing, I didn't answer cause I was too tired, I dragged myself off of bed and into my bathroom

"Ugh" I said to myself as I heard my phone ring again, I brushed my teeth and went to take a shower, once I was finish I went back to my room and changed to today's cloths

I finally grabbed my phone and saw missed calls and texts from Mattia

| Why don't you pick up the damn phone
| Alexa?
| Im not gonna wait all day Alexa

| What? What do you want?

|Chill I just wanted to hangout or some


|Gosh you ask a lot of questions😭 but I want to hangout and get to know each other

|why would I do that

|I saved your ass

|Fine, pick me up in an hour *********

What an ass fr

What would Jayden say if he finds out I'm gonna hang with Mattia or what will h- what am I thinking he's not my dad or mom

"Alexa we should go to the mall today" Haley said as I walked downstairs and into the kitchen

"Can't" I reply opening the fridge looking for orange juice

"What why not, you got plans don't you" Haley said walking up to me with a plate of pancakes and eggs with bacon

"Yeah" I said

"Where you going then?" She asked walking back to the stove after she handed me the plate

"Hanging out with friends" I said walking up to the table and pulling out a chair and eat

"Friends? Who?" She asked turning around frowning

"Mattia" I took the fork with the slice of pancake and adding it in my month

"Interesting" she said


"I'm just saying you know" she started, I frowned waiting for what she's gonna say

"Don't get to close or you'll get attach girl"
She said with a small smile and walking out

I finish eating and went back upstairs to waste a little more time before Mattia comes


"And this is the basement, where we practice and train" Mattia gave me a whole tour of his house

"Nice, what do you guys train for" I asked

"Work" someone said coming down

It was actually a couple of people coming down ready to train I'm guessing

"Nice to see you again Alexa" Kairi smiled

"You too"

"Yeah yeah, you guys go ahead and do y'all runs, I'm gonna hang with Alexa" Mattia said grabbing my hand and walking towards the exit

"Mattia? You gotta do runs too you know" one of the other boys said, Mattia rolled his eyes and turned around

"No I don't" Mattia said

"This is why your dad doesn't let you get girls and date them because you let them control you and distract you"

"Alexa isn't distracting or controlling anyone" Mattia said

"Really? So why are you choosing a girl over runs?" Someone else said

"Mind your business and do your runs, I could do mines later"

And with that Mattia dragged me out of there and we went to the kitchen

"Mind them" Mattia said getting a cup

"It's ok" I said

"Do you want to watch a movie or something" Mattia asked serving himself a drink



I felt my eyes getting heavy as we were watching the movie, I put my head on mattia's chest

Mattia slowly ran his fingers through my hair making me fall asleep faster

I was falling asleep until someone burst through the door making me get up and rub my eyes

"What" Mattia said looking at the boy in the door as he catches his breath

"Jason is here, he wants to see you" the boy at the door said, Mattia got up fast and walked towards the door

"I'll be back, Alejandro stay with her" and with that Mattia left

Alejandro smiled at me and sight

"What are y'all watching?" he said taking a seat at the edge of the bed

"A movie Mattia wanted to see" I said giving him a small smiled

He nodded and looked at me

"Don't get attach ok" he said making me frown

"What?" I said, why is everyone warning me about Mattia

"Nothing, forget it, I said nothing" he said getting up

"No tell me" I said

"It's nothing ok, oh yeah btw if your hungry you can go downstairs and get some pizza Kairi ordered" he said

I nodded bitting the bottom of my lip

"Who's Jason" I asked looking at Alejandro, his head shot up looking at me, he shook his head

"He's no one, you don't need to worry"
Alejandro said putting his hand in his pockets

There was a moment of silence between us which was really awkward, until I finally spoke

"Can you drop me off home?"I asked getting up

"Now?" Alejandro asked

"Yeah, I want to go home before my friends gets mad"

"Mad? Why will they get mad" Mattia asked through the door

"I'm just saying"

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