fake smile

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I was in the shower thinking about my life..I didn't want to be with him..I'm just scared to leave

I get out and look in the mirror
I see a bruise forming on my jaw I just ignore it and just started crying
After a while of crying I get up and get dressed

Me: I'm gonna go...tell then I quit ok..

Tyler: ok you better

I wasn't actually gonna quit so I drive to Chris's
I knock on the door he opens it and I just come in and hug him and just started crying
"What's wrong chan chan?" He says

"I-its tyler i-im just sc-scared of him
I wanna leave but I cant...just please help me" i say

I just cry in his shoulder for an hour
"OH SHIT I have to go" I say

"Why?" He says
"Because if I'm not home in time h-he he...he will..h-he w-will-" I say
"No your not going home ok"he says

"No...no I have too"i say
"Why? What will he do?"he says

"Wait..is that a bruise?"he says
"Dose he...hit you?" He also says

"T-thats why I need to go home...I'm sorry but I do have go....il-il see you later.."I say

I walk out the door and get in my car
I started to drive home
When I get home I go inside the house
"Where were you?"tyler said

"I was quiting like you wanted me too.." I say

"Then why where you gone for two hours?"he says

"I- I-" I say
He punches me in the face
I fall back

I start to cry I get up and open the door and walk out

"Where you going I'm not done your staying here"he says
Then he grabs my arm and try's to pull me

"I'm leavening I dont want to be with your ass....you you better get out my house while I'm gone"i say
I push him off and walk to the car and drive off while crying

I choose to drive to Chris's house but he wasn't home I was thinking to go to Jimmy's but he probably was busy....so I think about karl...I start to drive to his house

I knock on the door hoping he woud answer but he didn't his roommate did he let me in and I made my way to Karl's room when I open the door I see that he is streaming
I just stand at the door way for a while then I go up to him

"Karl"i say in a shakey voice

He turns around and I hug him

"You ok? Chan chan?"he says

"It-its just t-tyler"i say while crying

"Oh ok you can lay in my bed while I stream il end it early just for you"

I lay down in his bed
It was soft and comfortable I loved
His bed after a while of laying there I fall asleep

(30 minutes later)

Karl wakes me up
"Chan wake uppppp"he says
I smile
"So what's wrong?" He says
I tell him what happened after that I try to go back to sleep but then I feel karl put his head on my chest I didn't know what to do because in a relationship I usually do this...so I started to play with his hair
It felt nice I wish that it could last forever...I finally fall asleep after that


Hope you enjoyed this chapter ok now go eat and drink water and I LOVE YALL❤😀

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