"Ow. Mom."

"They're for the kids. You go cook your own food."

"This is so unfair." Hugo huffed and just walked over to the cupboard to get some ramyeon.

"It's fine Mrs Sim, you can let him take some. We are good." Jay hyung said.

"Oh don't worry about him. He rarely also eats at home nowadays anyways. I'm waiting for lia." At the mentioned of her name, I just looked away and felt the heat rising to my cheeks. Yep... I like her. I just, didn't know she is Jake hyung's sister. Great. Jake hyung would never let me date his sister.

"Eh she's fine. She'll come down when they're out of sight." Hugo said. I frowned. What did he mean by that?

"Oppa, is there food? I'm hungry-" All boys snapped their head to Hayoon, who had just entered the kitchen. She was wearing an oversized hoodie that covered until her thighs. It seems that she was wearing really short shorts. She just stared awkwardly at us. I blushed and looked away.

"Yah go wear some longer pants." Hugo nagged.

"Ugh fine. Just get me some food."

"You want ramyeon or japchae?" Hugo asked.


"Dammit. Now I need to cook for you too."

"Too bad. Oh, and add cheese and some spring onions. Also add mayonaise. And I don't want the spicy one. And steal some spam ham as well. Thanks." And she left.

"Ugh. So demanding." Hugo complained.

"You got yourself into it, hyung." Jake hyung teased.

"Just continue eating, kiddo."



"What movie shall we watch?" Jake hyung asked.

"Anything but horror." Jay hyung said.

"Agreed." Sunoo hyung nodded.

"Anything that is horror." Ni-ki grinned devilishly.

"Yes." I mischievously said as well, and high-fived Ni-ki.

"Guys, let's just watch this. It's on the screen." Sunghoon hyung said as he fiddled with the remote. It was How To Train Your Dragon the Hidden World showing on the screen. Huh. Was Hayoon watching this just now?

"Sure. I guess." Jake hyung nodded.

"Yah! Don't touch my Toothless!" Hayoon suddenly appeared, throwing a pillow at Jake hyung's face. Heheheheh. Comic relief.

"Yah! Ugh. Fine! Just come watch with us. Sit next to Jungwon. It's empty there." I unconsciously flushed and turned to look at her. Her cheeks were also slightly red as she looked at me too. I felt Heeseung hyung looking at me, so I broke the eye contact with her.

"Fine fine." And she walked over and plopped down next to me. Oh so she knows who I am. Oh. Oh.. I blushed and Just avoided her gaze.

"Let's start from the beginning." Jake hyung suggested.

"Kay." And Sunghoon hyung rewinded the tape.

The movie was interesting, although I must say the twins are utterly idiots. But Toothless and the light fury are so cute UwU. Well, we are nearing the end now, I think. And Toothless and the light fury just got captured by nasty bad guy. Hmph >:(

"Is this the sad part?" Jake hyung asked.

"No. Not yet." Hayoon replied. Seems like she's watched this a few times.

And here comes the crying part. Well, I didn't cry. Only Hayoon did. Whoops. I feel bad.

"It's not even sad!" Jake hyung protested.

"Yes it is!" She huffed, tears still spilling from her eyes as she sniffled and hid herself in her hoodie. Aw she's tiny. Ugh stupid brain.

"It's not!" Jake hyung screamed again.

"Actually hyung, it is quite sad." I decided to defend her.

"Then why aren't you crying?"

"I'm not the cry-at-sad-movies type."

"But you find it sad?"

"It is quite sad. They can never be together again." And I got slapped. I snapped my head to see Hayoon, who had slapped me with a pout.

"Yah! Stop making me cry!" She huffed and sniffled.

"I-I didn't d-do anything." My face heated up.

"Stop mentioning it!" She slapped me again. Good grief. Why do I like her? Ugh stuperd heart.


"I'm gonna get ice cream." She said and she left the couch. I just stared at her leaving figure. And then I felt a poke. I turned my head and saw Heeseung hyung poking me.

"What are you doing, hyung?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Do you like her?" Wait what? I felt my face heating up again and just looked away without answering.

"Ayy you totally do." I still didn't reply him.

"So she's the girl you told me you had a crush on."

"Shhh. Don't say it out loud." I nudged him with an elbow.

"Don't say what out loud?" Jake hyung asked as he poked his head into our "conversation".

"Nothing." Jake hyung just raised an eyebrow and retreated back to his spot, which was leaning against Sunghoon hyung.

"Yah oppa! Layla is hungry!" We all heard Hayoon shout from the kitchen.

"Just get her some food then!" Jake shouted back.

"Oh yeah we haven't seen Layla." Sunghoon said.

"I'm too short!" Jake hyung just rolled his eyes, sighing.

"Jungwon go help her." Jake said to me. Why me?

"Why me?"

"Just go."

"Hyung, you do know I'm the shortest here, right?"

"Still taller than her. Go." Ugh. I feel like he knows. God dammit. I just stood up and walked towards the kitchen.

There, Hayoon was struggling with reaching for the contents in the top cupboard. It looked like it was about to fall. And sure enough, a second later, a cereal box came flying out. I quickly pulled her away and shielded her from the box.

"Eek!" She squealed. I heard a thud from the box and released her, blushing madly.

"S-sorry." She brushed her hair behind her ear, blushing.

"It's fine. Here." I reached for the dog food and handed it to her. Layla, who had been running around the kitchen, started barking at the sight.

"T-thanks." She took the box of dog good from me and poured some into Layla's bowl. I helped put the cereal box  back.

"H-here. Some ice cream. Thanks for the help." Hayoon held a Magnum ice cream bar to me.

"No problem. Thanks for the ice cream." I smiled at her, and I saw her face turn pink.

"Well uh, enjoy your sleepover." She smiled shyly and walked off. Probably to her room. I nodded and walked back to the couch, smiling to myself.


your identity is revealed :))

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