Chapter 19- School Service Assignment

Start from the beginning

"But you acting strangely on me! Like... this! Mean, spiteful. Not everyone is out to get you, you know!"

"Obviously, I don't think that's the case. I--" It brown creased as it frowns, it struggled to found the words."

"This is important to me. School, I mean. I have to do well. I have to excel." It turned it back to Seth and lifted it hands. A small whirlwind appeared overhead, drawing in all the nearby books still flying through the air! "I have to be the best."

"But why? This place is incredible. isn't it enough just be here?" Seth asked, about his surroundings. "I wish it were, but no. If I don't graduate top of my class, or win the Nate of Magic, what's the point?"

"Um, a night for fresher's to learn magic? a stellar education? Making long life majical connections? The college experience?" He watched the books struggling against the air current Optimus created. One managed to slip through, losing a page or two in the process. Optimus lip quirked, and for a second, Seth thought he might smiled. He doesn't. "You... wouldn't understand. I'll be back. I have to hunt that book down."

He followed Optimus down the aisle and, after a moment, it stopped with a sigh. "You're not going to let this go, are you?" Optimus perceived ironically needing a help, "Nope! Am just sticking around." Optimus almost smiled before continuing down the hall, eyes trained on the book flapping weakly overhead.
"Lucky me."

"Is that of Eminem & Joyner Lucas?!"

"hahaha! not them my luckiness!"

"So, Optimus, what exactly is your deal?"

"I wouldn't say there's a deal. My robotic legacy... a lot of me, that's all."

"Yeah, I got that."

"Really? You'd think you'd try a little harder in class then." Optimus was surprised, his mind puzzled with it metal mouth opened expecting something from Seth Parker. "Hey! I thought we were getting past the snootiness." A furious glare formed on Seth face when he stated his words. "Sorry, sorry. Old human, I guess." Optimus apologized, "It's more than that, though. My robotic family legacy don't just expect a lot. They expect everything."

"Oriol 4GT, my brother, has six degrees from four different At-time universities worldwide, and an ATLMVA from Oxford."

"Well, that's definitely impressive, but... Does he have... Two ATL?"

"Actually, yes. He's also a Metal-ATL, but his secondary is Earth. Same as my father's which he boasts about frequently."

"Oh." Seth persisted when Optimus said it words. The book turned sharply to the left, and he followed it. Every book in the aisle was a vibrant shade of green, and he got the distinct smell of frequently mown grass. "On top of all that, he's a robotmanitarian, I mean in our local direct, robot who does chew meat: unlike me I eat and drink, chew and the rest. He speaks nine languages, and he even spent time studying at Le Cordon Bleu."

"Wow. How much older than you is he?"

"It... Mean, he's only twenty-eight." Optimus lied. "Oh come on. That's just unfair!"

"I know, right? The worst part is, he's honestly the nicest, most caring person I've ever met. And look at me. I haven't even accomplished anything yet, and I'm a curmudgeonly jerk." it face became worried, and it mood changed been depressed to it brother's degrees.

"Optimus, listen to me." He waited until Optimus stopped walking and turned to face him. "First of all, don't you have to be at least fifty to get the title of curmudgeon?"

"Is this helpful?" Seth unfurled his eyes before continuing. "And second of all. You can't try to live up to other people's expectations of yourself! It's hard time enough to listen to your own."

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