"How your a pig" lily said sat down next to Remus

"Am not!! Tell em prongs" Sirius said and shoved James' shoulder

"You kinda are mate I mean when's the last time you had a flea bath??" James said and let out a chuckle

"Haha good one Prongsie good one" Sirius said and walked up to Marlene who was leaning against the frame

"I'm not a pig am I Marl's??" Sirius asked as he trapped her between the wall and him


"Oh look at time!! C'mon Marl's we need to meet Alice!!" Lily said and pulled her out from under Sirius and started walking down the corridor

"Musk" she mumbled


"He smells like musk and wet dog" she said

"I know" lily said

"And cigarettes" she said in a dreamy voice and let a loud snort out

"Now who's the pig!!" He yelled

"Shut it Black!!" 

"I didn't do anything!" Regulus' voice said from the other end of the courtyard

"Not you!!" Lily said and everyone laughed

"Sod off the lot of you!!" Marlene said and turned back to look at Lily

"He could have kissed me...." she said as  they finally reached Alice who was snogging Frank

"It would be a shame to interrupt" Marlene mumbled and the both of them  disappeared behind the wall

At 5 in the evening Lily made her way to the lake she thought she was early but was met with a nervous pacing James

"James" she said and walked to him

"Evans!!" He said and sighed

"Hey" she said with a smile as she reached him

"Hi" he said and ruffled his hair

"Your more nervous than usual is everything okay??"

"Yea- no-um I-i thought you weren't coming" he said and looked at her

"James Potter why would you think that??" Lily asked and wrapped her arms around his waist while standing on her toes

"I-i don't know" he said and wrapped his arms around her

James looked at her for a long moment just admiring her

"Lily I'm like really nervous right now!! My confidence has kinda vanished i- um.....you look beautiful Lils just like you always do" he said and tucked her hair behind her ear

"You don't have to be nervous around me Potter.....and you can never lose your confidence it's what makes you ,you.......and you look as charming as always" she said and ruffled his hair  James let out a chuckle

"What are we doing??" She asked looking up at him

"Well I was thinking we take a walk along the forest and maybe grab a bite at the broomsticks??"

"Sounds good" Lily said

The pair walk their hands occasionally and then he grabbed her hands in his and let out a chuckle


"How have these hands smacked me so many times?? Their so tiny" He said and looked at her with a loopside grin

"Hey I don't have tiny hands!! You just have really big ones" she said and he let out a chuckle

"You sure know how to frame a sentence Evans"

"James Potter you git!!" She said a swatted his hand away

"Ohh yeah well you owe this git a kiss!!" He said

"Not happening!!" She said and ran ahead of him

"Wrong move Evans!! Wrong move!!" He yelled

Lily heard his footsteps behind her just as she reached the entrance of hogsmead she was picked up

"James!!" She squealed and he chuckled kissing her

James threw her over his shoulder and continued walking

"Ya know Evan,  Marlene's right you have a lovely bum"

"Put me down Potter!!" She said as we neared the shops

"Not until you kiss me" he said let go of her so her feet where on his

"And what if I don't??"

"Well then your trapped in my arms......forever" he said and lay his forehead against mine

"Not that I'm complaining" he whispered



James looked at her his eyes boring into hers,Lily leaned up and pushed her lips onto his 

"They kissed!!"


"Damn it Peter!!"

They chuckled and turned around to see three heads peeping at them from behind the alley wall

"Let's give them a show" James said and kissed her again

"You go Prongsie!!!" Sirius yelled

Lily chuckled as James raises his finger up at them

Thank you guys for reading
Do check out the other books too

Thank you❤

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