"Meredith Elias!" The man spread his arms in a greeting. There was a gun in his hand. Her heart momentarily froze. "Just the woman I was looking for!"

He held the gun up to them. "You're gonna need to come with me."

She found herself speaking, slowly opening up her silver clutch behind her back. "And why would I do that?"

"You're not the one with the gun here, beautiful. You're not in any position to be asking that."

She slightly chuckled. "It would seem that way, wouldn't it?"

The man was suddenly flying back, the door, and most of the wall around the frame going with him. Meredith stood there, a small silver device in hand, breathing heavily.

"What the fuck was that?" Devin turned to her with massive eyes.

There was a pause.

"What, you don't carry a sonic resonance emitter with you?"

Bruce stared at her with an indescribable look on his face. Meredith shook her head, snapping her clutch shut and walking through the blown-out wall.

"You call that an SRE?" Devin called from behind her. "An SRE is for vibrational frequencies. That was not just a vibrational frequency!"

She stepped carefully around the rubble, taking in the dark downtown street of Central City. It was in utter chaos. Firetrucks and ambulances wailed down the block, hordes of people ran in every direction, and explosions rang from inside the Hall.

"So it's a slightly modified SRE," Meredith spoke as Devin caught up to her. "Big deal."

She finally came to a halt, glancing back at the unconscious man lying in the rubble. He seemed to be fairly knocked out, so she assumed he wouldn't be waking up any time soon. "Who's that?"

She turned to Bruce, who finally made his way through the pile of exploded concrete. He shrugged.

"I think his name's Deadshot," Devin answered. "I've seen him on the news before. Why's he here for you?"

Meredith's breath was still slightly unsteady. "How am I supposed to know? I wasn't in any position to ask questions, remember?"

The sound of another explosion was heard. Superman was flying out of the side of City Hall, carrying two figures in his hands. He dropped them to the ground with an unconscious thud. Two large trucks, both labeled "BELLE REVE" on the sides, sped down the street, stopping at the figures. Men dressed in black body armor jumped out from the vehicles, snapping what looked like collars onto the two criminals. Superman exchanged a few words with the officers.

Flash was in front of her with panicked eyes, blocking her view. "Hey, sorry about that. Are you two okay?"

"We're fine. I—"

Meredith was interrupted by Superman landing next to her. "Is everyone alright? I heard something going on in the back, but I was a little distracted with Mister Freeze."

He glanced towards the rubble and noticed Deadshot's body. His brow raised. "Who did that?"

"Meredith," Devin replied.


"Everyone shut up," Meredith glared at the men. "Does anyone know what's going on?"

"Deadshot said he was here for Meredith." Devin crossed his arms. Superman still seemed skeptical as he walked over, picking up the unconscious body with ease.

Flash furrowed his brows. "That doesn't make any sense. What's Deadshot doing in Central City?"

"Maybe Cold and Freeze were distractions so Deadshot could grab Meredith?" Superman suggested as he passed them, dragging the criminal over to the blockade of Belle Reve vehicles.

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