i'm sure your mate isnt in a bottle of whiskey

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Chapter one
This is Hope

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY" I chorus of people sang as I walked in the room

To be honest I wasn't that surprised my dad told me this morning.

I walked around smiling to happily because today I was finally eighteen, I could leave and travel the world

But my father the alpha of our pack (yes you heard right I'm the alpha's only daughter) thrown this masquerade party so I could find my mate but I think it was very unlikely. He invited packs from all over the globe just in hopes I would find a mate. I mean I just don't think it's right that the moon decides whom your going to be with. I want to live before I find my mate. It may sound crazy but I'm not like the others in the pack and my father knows that.

See my mother got kidnapped when I was young, my fathers still looking but I know she's dead. We don't even know what pack took her, if it was even a pack.

There have been stories of these fast creatures taken pray and sucking their blood dry, but our bite can kill them because of the venom in our wolf's teeth. I believe they took my mother and she's now dead. But I'm different I'm sort of like them.

Anyway I had been wondering aimlessly and found that my feet had taken me to the kitchen none was in there thank god. I got my self vodka and drank it in one sip. We wolfs can also hold our liquor.

" Whoa calm down little wolf", I look up to see my best friend in a mask smiling at me with a girl under his arm .my best friend Luke was quite the ladies man I mean he was hot he had blond hair blue eyes, technique image an American football guy, yep that's the Luke of our pack. I don't understand how were friends we are polar opposites starting with the hair his blond mine is brown, his eyes are blue mine might as well be black. He loves football and sports while I would rather read a book or watch Netflix's. See we are totally different.

" Sorry Luke, not all of us can be as chill as you," I say getting a glass of whiskey

" Alright calm it what's got your panties in a twist?" he asks and the girl giggles.

"Nothing Luke, who are you???" I ask wondering why this red head was hanging of my best friend.

"This is lovely Lucy, I found her tonight" he says looking down at her lovingly

"What do you mean found her???" I ask, he looks at me like I'm dumb "oh she's your mate"

"Yes she's my mate," he says defensively

"Okay now who's got their panties in a twist " I say " sorry I had no idea" I said to Lucy

"It's fine, I know he's a ladies man, already six have come onto him just in ten seconds of meeting him" she says, I laugh this girl has no clue.

" So are we going to dance???" my best friend asks, I moan while Lucy jumps up and down as her red hair goes all over the place.

" You two go ahead" I say trying to get out of it but then Luke looks behind me worried.

"Hope ... your dads looking for you and he's angry that's why.... oh hey alpha Richard " I see Luke look behind me and smile, grate he's found me.

"Luke ... I see you've found your mate ..." he says smiling, but I knew he was angry you could tell in his eyes if you were brave enough to look. " can you let me talk to my daughter ... alone" Luke nodes and is off with Lucy. He left me stranded!!!

"Hope." I hear my father say in his low voice.

" Yes father," I say

" Why are you in the kitchen imp sure your mate isn't a bottle of whiskey" he says looking at the glass imp holding " I thrown this party all in hope that you would find your mate and lose this wild dream of your about traveling the world!!"

"It's not a wild dream dad, and besides we both know that I am different from you lot what if I'm too much of a monster that I don't have a mate did you ever think about that" I piratical scream at him

" You are not a monster Hope, and you will find your mate if you go and socialize like a normal teenager!!!" he screams

" But that's just it I'm not normal" I say and I walk out of the kitchen, I was to absorbed in my own bubble hat I bump into someone cause their drink to fall all over me.

"Crap" I hear I husky voice say" I'm sorry do you want me to get a towel or something" he asks, and I look up from my soaking wet dress to meet a pair of beautiful grey eyes.

"Ummm no it's fine I." But I didn't finish because the lights went out and screams filled the room. What's happening????

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