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Jane POV " we are in a gang as you can see and this is why we never wearing blue cuz we don't represent crips that is never us" I said " so that is why yall been comeing home late and stuff" Ida said then Dajnay was smiling an the girls probably n...

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Jane POV
" we are in a gang as you can see and this is why we never wearing blue cuz we don't represent crips that is never us" I said " so that is why yall been comeing home late and stuff" Ida said then Dajnay was smiling an the girls probably new why but us boys didn't know why " so y'all probably wondering why Dejnay is smiling is because " Ida was about to say but got cut off by nay saying " i got a thing for gang bangers ever sence i was a child and i never new that it would be with omar i mean cuz like he fine and is very popular in school "she said and I looked to the side an see Omar smiling real hard and shii you know and all the girls was smiling until nay said agine " they had a thing fah y'all to but I'm a bad bitch so I can say wtf I wanna say cuz they sum lil pussys you know" she said then everybody started laughing then we walked out the office to go handle the things that was said about somebody in the lobby was stilling from us.
End of POV

Dajaune POV So while we was walking out of the trap this hoe I only used gone come up to me an talk about how Ava is a hoe an shit but I know that is a hole lie so I went to Ava an told her about it then all I seen was Ava go talk to the girls and...

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Dajaune POV
So while we was walking out of the trap this hoe I only used gone come up to me an talk about how Ava is a hoe an shit but I know that is a hole lie so I went to Ava an told her about it then all I seen was Ava go talk to the girls and they looked mad so I went to the boys and told them " yo aye so y'all remember that bitch KayKay I used to fuck with " I said they all said yeah " so she came up to me an told me all kinds of stuff about how Ava was a hoe an shit an ofc I didn't believe that shit then she just looked mad and walked to the girls so I guss she told them " I said " and who knows they could just jump the shit outta Ava so let's go hurry up an see what they on "
Mont said
End of POV

Ava POV So after this slut wanna come up all over ma man she was gone have to pay some real shit but anyways me an the girls went up to her but then the boys got in the front " y'all not gone do shit because y'all is to pretty fa this" Dae said " ...

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So after this slut wanna come up all over ma man she was gone have to pay some real shit but anyways me an the girls went up to her but then the boys got in the front " y'all not gone do shit because y'all is to pretty fa this" Dae said " so an you think we just gone let some thot bitches disrespect us like that "Jayna said " nah bro y'all get in the car now because that shit is not cool all that fussing an fighting shit gotta go nah " josh said " Ight Ight we will but LET ONE MORE THOT MF DISRESPECT US AGIN AND TALKING RIGHT IN YALL FACE AN YALL DONT SAY SHIT BACJ JUST KNOW ALL THE DISRESPECT COMEING " Jayda said " so what that being said tell them that we don't bark or bite because we really get disrespectfull said it with respect fuck" Maddison said " damn why y'all gotta be so mean like we did it " mont said " mabey tell y'all like thot bitches to chill tf out the fuck" nay said and all this time I was pissed off because this is not the first time Dajaune never said no shit back witch really made me mad .

End of POV

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