"What happened?" I asked.

She sighed "my hunters, it is just that in the past year more than 90% of the hunters have died and I am loosing my Power due to this, the hunt is my Power source and my father being his protective self is talking about removing my hunt domain and removing my maiden vows. All that I have built in the past four millenium, all that I represent and think of as my family being removed it is just too much for me." She said sadly

"Is there a way to remake the hunt ?" I asked

"Yes, but I don't have that much time. Going into the mortal world recruiting mortals and demigods who are ready to swore off men? It will take many years. And the more powerful the member the more Power I will be. And it is practically impossible ." She said sadly

"You said that the more powerful the hunter.."

"The more power full I become. Yes why?" She asked

"Come lady Artemis I got an idea to save you it is a bit against the rules but it will be alright." I said

"Really? This better not be a false hope Perseus."

"Oh belive me lady Artemis this will work.Come lets go to see the council"

Artemis pov

This I officially the worst day in my whole life. I mean like even compared to the day Apollo was born or the day orion raped one my hunter Or the day I was captured by atlas, today was the worst day of my long immortal life.

My hunt will probably be no more after today, My vows no longer removed,my remaining 20 hunters homeless and a prey for all those disgusting men out there.

And if that doesn't happen soon I will start fading by this time next month. And a month after there would be a new goddes of moon,hunt and maidens or ther will be no more moon and I will be forgotten soon and become a story told by the campfire and my seat removed from the council.

And if you ask who did this to me I would say that this happened due to the earth mother and her child orion who is also biological posiedoen's child.

How my uncle and my great-grandmother had a kid I will never know.

Who ever is his parents are he is definitely the most disgusting male I will ever find

He killed almost all of the hunters and about fifty members of the Amazons. As of now due to my current power level I couldn't protect my hunters so they are at the Amazon headquarters in Seattle, the safest place I could think of.

And for the cherry on top Percy Jackson the hero of olympus witnessed me become an emotional wreak. Out of all the people who could have seen me it was the Percy Jackson. I mean he is unbelievable turning down immortality I mean how can he be so Nobel and he didn't even ask a selfish wish!

And he doesn't take advantage of the fact thet he is the best hero ever born, he is not disrespectful towards women and he never even dated a single girl! I mean great heroes like hercules, Odysseus, the original Perseus all treated like a object using them for pleasure and leaving them with a child and never coming back. Over time become polluted by the world and develop fatal flaws like agnorance, loyalty, recklessness, holding grudge etc. But Perseus does not do that and that makes even gods scared of him(tell you in the later chapters).

Sometimes he make me question myself if I am right about the male population.

As I was sobbing on the floor Perseus came near me and placed a hand on my shoulder
I immediately tensed thinking that he was some sort of the pevert tying to take advantage of me in my state.

The Trails Of Shiva (A pertemis story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin