from the start // chapter 1

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* suicide* 

"This is going to be your new classmate, treat her well" Aizawa sensei said, after having you introducing yourself.  You can see some people whispering among themselves and starring back at you. You watch as a yellow haired boy turns behind him and says something to a red headed boy  with spiky hair. you can't help but sigh.

"Yeah, so much for a fresh start" you think as your head falls to the ground. 

After what happened Kamino, your old apartment was badly damaged, along with the school you use to go to. Since you were already in a hero course, and did enter the entrance exam but decided to change schools last minute, you were allowed to attend U.A. 

"You can go ahead and sit in the back next Momo" The teacher said pointing to the black haired girl in the back row. 

She was crazy pretty, and definitely looked likes she was from a well off family. Growing up, your family didn't exactly have the nicest of things, your dad was constantly out trying to make money for the family, he worked 9-5 but always got fucked over and used. He often had to work over time and didn't get payed enough. Down the line, when you were about 11 or so he ended up taking his own life. Your mom had to take up muiltiple jobs to take care of your 3 sibling including yourself. Kinda ironic right. After realizing how hard your mom works, you decided to become a hero, you always saw heroes as someone to save people, help them out. sadly you had no idea what a huge mistake you made, from the start. 

As you walk down to your seat you make eye contact with a weird kid with purple balls for hair? He wiggles his eyebrows at you, and you look away. Momo, if that's her name, taps him on the shoulder and tells him to stop.  you sit down, hoping to just survive until lunch. 

After finishing first period, you feel yourself tense up, this is the start. 


since the chapters of this book are pretty short I'll be posting chapters 3 times a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Or for some of you Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday

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