Chapter 19

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Autumn's pov

"bye malia" I smiled at her and my dad driving off

We just had lunch with malia for the first time and it was great, and now I was alone at the house because Cameron had a date with Holland and as for Cooper I set him up with hazel 3 days ago and they are hitting it off which was great

Its been 4 weeks since the Brad thing and not seeing him helped because if I saw him again I would probably scream. Yeah I had been avoiding him all that time and I know I'm probably think I'm a freaking chicken running away but that's my style

Today was Saturday and that means free time and also means: "Netflix time" I said excited

I sat at the couch wearing pajama shorts, a large hoodie that is way to big for me and with some comfy socks because I know my brothers and my father won't be coming back because they have girlfriends now

I picked shadowhunters to watch, I cooked popcorn and had some chips for lunch, I turn to the clock and saw that it was 2 pm and I'm about to finish Season 1 so yay for me and my single life

I heard the doorbell rang so I got up and went to answer it, I opened the door and saw a familiar face "Bradley...what can I do for you?" I ask letting him in

"oh I thought you were out" he says

"it's Saturday which means take a break from work" I said walking back to the living room

"I'm here for Cooper's keyboard, he told me to take it" he says

I put on a confused face "he doesn't have a key board, he doesn't even play any musical instruments, I mean he sings a little but you know totally different" I said sitting

"so that means-" i cut him off

"You got played, always a prankster Cooper" I said

"great" he sighs still not sitting next to me

"You gonna sit down or not?" I ask

"sorry" he says sitting on a chair that is not near me

"are you ok?"

"me?I'm ok you ok?" he says

"yeah I am" I said playing the TV again

"can I ask, why are you sitting here alone on a Saturday, you know that's really-" I again cut him off

"pathetic" I finished his sentence

"I was gonna say depressing but that works too " he says

I let out a laugh "yeah I know, guess I'm just very boring" I said

"your not boring your interesting" he says finally siting next to me

"well your the first person to say that to me but thank you" I smiled

"your welcome" he smiles back

We looked at each saying nothing just looking at each other, I look at his eyes and his other features how can I resist this guy?

"I should go, we have some recording to do so" he says standing up

"ok, close the door when you leave" I said

He nods, he was about to leave but he stops "to answer the question, I didn't regret kissing you...i know that's 4 weeks to late but I didn't answer you that day so I thought I answer now" he says before leaving

I was left with a smile on my face and thinking I can't just erase my feelings for him that would be dumb

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