Chapter 2

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Sergeant Trudy Platt. That women is truly something else. Moody, tough as nails, and will rip your head off. But, know her long enough and you realize she's got a heart of gold. Gives the warmest hugs; the kind you need when you feel all these emotions inside you ready to burst. I almost shed a tear as I part ways from this hug that I wish would last just a few seconds longer.

"Your uncle told me why your back in town. I am really sorry kid. We all love your mom. Tell Angela I'll be stopping by soon."

"Yeah, of course. I guess we always knew this would be coming. I mean we have already lived through this once, and it doesn't get any easier, you know."

"If you or Angela need anything, I am here for you." she said with a soft smile.

"Thank you. Seeing you will definitely cheer her up. Cheered me up." I break a smile.

"Is he here, my uncle? If he is not too busy, I would love to say hi."

"Wow. I thought this was an exclusive Trudy Platt visit."

I let out a chuckle and look at her with a desperate smile. 

She smiles back and says, "I'll call up to check. Hang tight for a sec, kid. The team might be out."

As I'm waiting, two patrol officers walk up to the desk. They look like siblings who just broke their mom's fine china and were getting ready to tell her. Just a little terrified, but not enough to stop them from interrupting Platt on the phone. Wrong choice. 

"Sergeant Platt, I, we, just-"

Poor girl couldn't even get three whole words out before Platt's eyes widen as she stuck her index finger up and covered the phone with her other hand and shushed her all in one second.

Nervously she smiled at me. I would comfort her, but she looks used to it.

"Hi, I am Alexa Rivera. But, I just go by Lexi. I'm guessing you have been working here for a while since you seemed accustomed to Platt and her....... ways."

"Kimberly Burgess. Kim, just Kim actually. This is my partner Kevin Atwater. And ..... yeah we know Sergeant Platt, very well. She loves us, as you can tell."

We all laugh for a couple of seconds. Platt is still trying to reach my uncle, and I can tell she is getting more irritated every second that goes by.

"So you know Sergeant Platt? Are you related?" Kim asked trying to fill the void with conversation as we all waited.

 "Yeah, I used to run around here when I was a kid. I have known her my whole life. My mom and her are friends. They met through my uncle who works here."

They looked confused. Probably because no one with the last name Rivera works here.

"Your uncle...?"  Kevin asks.

"He's in Intelli-" 

Platt cuts me off, "He's upstairs. You know the way. I'll buzz you up."

"Ah, thank you Trudy. I owe you a coffee!" 

"You sure do, kid. If I didn't know how busy you were, you would've never heard the end of it for not bringing me some today." she said seriously making me laugh knowing her dry humor.

As I walk away, I take out my business cards and hand Kim and Kevin each a card.

"Look, I just moved back to Chicago and I don't really know anyone. If you guys ever want to get a drink, call me." I swiftly wink and walk towards the stairs leaving no room for them to respond. I could hear a faint "yeah sure!" and Platt quickly laying it down on them for whatever trouble they got in. They seem fun.

It was true. I don't really know anyone. I was heavily recruited for my undercover skills where I spent most of my first two years on the job, so the only people I really know are my old team and family - which actually only consist of my mom who is dying, my grandpa back in New York, Trudy who is like a second mom to me, and my uncle who isn't actually related to me; he married my mom's sister, so he's my uncle.

I open the gate and take the steps upstairs. I actually don't remember being in the bullpen, ever. Probably because I spent most of my time with downstairs and because my uncle wasn't always working upstairs. 

"Lexi. You're really here! After everything that happened, it good to see you doing good." he said with a raspy voice.

"Uncle Hank! It good to see you too."

**Author's Note**

Is it going too slow? I put a lot of dialogue in this chapter, I am not sure if its hard to follow. If there are any suggestions/comments, please let me know. I hope at least one person is enjoying it! I'll try to not put an author's note in every chapter if it's annoying.

Thank you for reading. All love,


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