After story 2

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There I was  in the field with Todo. It was  our rematch from all we learned.

"No holding back on me Todo I can do this!"

"If you say so my princess then you shouldn't as well."

He smiled with a chukcle. I grinned and nodded.

"I would never!" I said as I raced in place the ground felt like fire. Todo threw ice at me i threw them back with my tail. He looked quiet impressed. I jumped high and dug into the ground. I learned how to dig under ground with enough practice. I listened for his moments he was silent.

I then felt a warm spot I was under him!


I jumped out and quickly tried to trap him into the whole, he blocked it with ice. I quickly moved away as he used fire agisnt me.

"Haha not bad my love you seem to really habe improved."

"Thanks this one I learned from you!"

I said as I covered my self in dirt and used it as armor. Just like he used to with ice. I could tell he was thinking about what to do. He used fire and ice I jumped onto his ice fast. If I'm fast enough I can jump on them get air without freezing my paws. I also waved my tail in circles and tried to move his fire at me.

While his flames followed me i jumped and redirected the flames to todo. It was a direct hit. I flipped backwards and stood my ground. I felt so good.

"I see you take powers at you and make them your own smart how about this then?"

He smiled as he quickly shot ice and grew ice from the ground. I got hit and was flown back. I used my tail to Stick my landing. However Todo just used most of his power and engery he was painting. I need to get a hit on him of my own. I began to use my speed to make it seen I was all over the place. Todo began to try to cut me of with a Ice wall, but the doubled my speed as I jumped to wall to wall.

It was a close match both of us were breathing hard. All of a sudden I saw a wheel of flames. He's trying to get me cornered. That's right if I get close I have my charm I can use... Or get him off guard and I win! I used my tail and bonced high into the sky. As he aimed for me i shot down at him. He was making flames to me to i grabbed my tail and creatied my owl wheel with my self.

As I hurled down I made inpack on his stomach. I quickly placed my paws on him and tickled him with my tail. He was laughing and trying to get off his feet. I smiled as I pushed him threw the ice into my hole. Once he was in the whole I pounced the dirt and buried him but his head. I sat down wagging my tail I did it!

He tried to move but it only mad the dirt move closer to him holding him stiffer.

"Alright I admit you got me. You sure did learn didn't you?"

He said trying to get out. I ggieled and bit his clothing and pulled him out.

"Thanks! I'm no longer some fox I got all kinds of tricks up my sleeve!"

I turned back and blushed at he kissed me gently on the lips. Naturally I kissed back my heart was racing. After wards he looked at me lovingly and gave me a small head kiss.

"And I couldn't be more happier and proud that your my girl the one I choose and you choose me."

I giggled but I could tell he was thinking of something I wonder what it is?

Unexpected love Todoroki x reader (COMPLETED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن