The Light's Shadow (Young Justice Fanfiction)

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Hi my lovely readers! I just realized that I haven't even given you all a character description for Kazuko Aramusha. *WARNING: There are spoilers in here! Read at your own risk!*

To the side is Kazuko's Tiger form -----------> 

 She tends to change / "fur out" when she gets particularly angry at someone, and when irritated, her eyes change from a pure blue to a demonic red color. She very rarely changes out from her cat form, and when she does, it's because she is feeling particularly relaxed / safe in her current environment. 

At the beginning of the story, Kazuko is about 6 years old. (Yes, I know this is really young, but there is a reason for this, trust me!)

She has black and white hair with a light blue tint to it, deep blue eyes, and is of Japanese descent (from her mother's side). Thus, she was taught at a young age her mother's language, and often tends to rant in her native tongue when upset or irritated (which is often). She also tends to talk in Japanese when she's unconscious, especially when she's talking with her inner self or her guardian spirits. 

Due to her time with Lex, and the trauma she recieved with him, she doesn't trust men that easily, especially since he implanted a mind control software in her brain after they were forced to stop using the inhibitor collar on her. Basically, the software fostered her hate for men during the fight with the Justice League, and she remembers the pain they inflicted on her while trying to subdue her.

But after a surgery to free her of the mind software, Kazuko is free to enjoy life in a way she never expected: In her cat form. Now, she loves to sing/ hum songs that she hears (she remembers the lyrics after only hearing them a few times), play with the others, swim, and enjoys being pampered by the other superheroes she grew close with. 

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