Quick. Delete.

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Reload, reload, reload...No this can not actually be happening. This can not be real. I must be dreaming. Nothing this exciting happens to me. I must be asleep. I must be dreaming this. This honestly can not be real. 

Okay, just breathe. Take a moment, everything is going to be okay. I must be dreaming this, this isn't real, it can't be. Just breathe.

This must be another one of my fantasies in my dream, where Tom is going to message me on instagram and then we are going to actually meet and then get married and live happily ever after. There is just no possible way that this can be really happening to me.

Okay, there is just one way to find out if this is real. Just post another picture to your profile, see if Tom likes it. If that does happen then this is all real and I need to panic, if not then I am just dreaming it all.

 If that does happen then this is all real and I need to panic, if not then I am just dreaming it all

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Holly_Mae: Hey all. Just chilling in the car...

Okay, now we wait. Just a few minutes...Oh I just can't wait any longer, come on Tom, I need to know if this is real. A ping on my phone. This is it. This is Tom liking my second picture on instagram. 

Notification: New message from Tegan Hopes. 

Oh my God, Tegan, seriously this is not the time...Ahhh, come on. I just wait, starring at my phone screen, waiting for that notification from Tom Felton to pop up, saying that he has liked my picture.

Okay, I can't wait any longer, I am just going to message him, it will be so much easier. I take a few deep breathes, trying to calm myself down, even if this was not even real, I was still panicking. My anxiety was kicking in and I knew that something wasn't right, but I continued.

~Hey Tom, This is Holly. I have seen that you liked my picture and I just wanted to say a really big thank you, I mean you mean so much to me and I love you more than you could ever imagine. I mean, I am not going to lie to you, Tom. 

I have always dreamed of us  meeting one day and then you falling for me and then we go on dates to the beach and then when you finally ask me to be your girlfriend we move in with each other, with your dog, Willow. 

Then after dating for a couple of years, you take me back to the beach and then you propose to me on the beach, where we had our first date and then we get married and have two or three kids and then live happily ever after.

I don't know why I am telling you this, because it is not like you are going to read this, so yeah. ~

I start to get angry and frustrated with myself, trying to believe that this is actually really happening. 

I cry myself to sleep, still thinking that I am dreaming, knowing that I have dreamed this all. I mean why would Tom Felton like my picture or follow me back. What have I got that none of his other fans have got?

I wake up, my head feeling fuzzy. I turn around to notice that my black mascara has rubbed off onto my pillowcase, with water marks being shown. I then decide to check my phone and go to my photo section. What a surprise, no like from Tom. I just dreamed it all...

I then click on my messages. The horror comes to my face when I then realise...


The picture was the same one I thought I posted in my dream. I mean even though Tom had not responded, I still knew what else I had said. I had actually messaged Tom Felton. I quickly look at my messages. I then notice that there is no new messages for me. Phew. Thank God for that. 

Even though the message had sent through to him, Tom had still not seen it. I quickly deleted it, thinking that he wouldn't be able to see it anymore. Phew. Panic over.

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