Draco had gone on his own doings, greeting his mother Narcissa and helping her set the table. Whereas Leah had gone on into the kitchen presumably to check on dinner, she was a great cook.

"Ria?" His face lit up at the sight of her standing in front of him. "God sometimes I forget how grown up you are now, such a bright young woman." 

He took steps forward leaving Lucius by himself to stare at his colleague, in shame.

Her father had always been a touchy subject to Ria, he really wasn't a bad man. He does what he has to do for his family.

Or that's what Ria forced herself to believe.

Her father and her exchanged their greetings and she did so with Narcissa and Lucius aswell to be polite, as an heir to the Dolohov family it was her duty to be in their good graces.

The house elves set the dinner in front of everyone and they began to eat.

The awkward silence was almost unbearable, Ria felt a need to speak up.

"What are we going to do here?" She announced while playing with her food, she didn't have an appetite tonight.

Lucius and her father looked at each other before allowing themselves to look at her, Ria felt as if she shouldn't have said anything because Narcissa had a growing nervous expression that gave Ria some sort of uncertain Anxiety.

"Normal family activities," Her mother interrupted Lucius as he was about to speak. She tried to sound as convincing as possible and even deemed her a small smile, but as her daughter Ria could see right through her.

There was a reason they were all gathered here, it was only a matter of time before Ria found out why.

The rest of the meal carried on in silence. With the flick of a wand the dishes started to clear themselves away to leave a beautiful chestnut dining table now naked and bare.

"May I be excused?" Draco sought to leave the tension filled room, and as Narcissa deemed him the pleasure of leaving, Ria wanted to leave too.

She didn't bother asking because she knew the answer would be a yes anyway, it might have been rude to exit in that way but exhaustion took over Ria.

She followed the blonde boy out of the room and caught up to him on the staircase heading to his room, 

"Your room is beside mine." He blurted out not knowing what else she wanted him to say.

The manor was all sorts of beautiful neutral colours, of course it was mostly dark due to the dim lights but some shades of brown and beige were dotted all over the place. The large chandelier hung and displayed a glimmer onto the walls around them.

"Goodnight Draco," Ria voiced in order not to leave each other in silence, he merely gave her a glance and walked away into his room. His safe space.

Ria didn't know why but some sort of weird feeling crept up on her, it was a mixture of sadness, anger and pain. It was a feeling she knew well but one that she also chose to bury inside of her mind in order for it to leave her alone.

At home, she would usually smoke or drink it off but here that wasn't exactly an option.

Her mother was now fully sober, and her father wouldn't allow her to drink. Also stealing alcohol from the Malfoy household wasn't on her list of things to achieve today.

Her flimsy body flopped itself onto the mattress of her new room, the green silk sheets felt delicate against her skin and the moonlight from the window shone on her face.

She didn't know why but the overwhelming urge to cry took over her. Ria knew she wasn't alone but why did she feel like she was? Like nobody understood her, like nobody truly seen her or wanted to see her.

Tears flowed down her cheek one by one, she had been keeping them in for too long now.

Something about this trip didn't settle right with her, Her mum and dad had to be here for a reason otherwise they wouldn't have shown up.

Ria knew her fate, to get the dark mark. She also knew that her parents would want to be there with her when she got granted the mark.

What was about to happen to her was inevitable, even if she didn't want it, she didn't choose this life.

It was already chosen for her.

Ria longed to feel something, in her current state she felt numb. Her whole entire future would be thrown away soon and all for some over powered wizard who now haunts her.

Her first thought was to release her pain herself, her old scars still engraved onto her delicate skin. Then Draco popped into her mind.

He had hurt her before,

He could do it again.

This was the most stupid thing she had ever thought of but what did she have to lose? 

Ria lifted herself off of her neat bed and forced herself out of the room, tears still streaming.
It was embarrassing how she had to turn to Draco of all people for help, but at this moment she wasn't herself.  Emotion had consumed her.

Gently, she knocked on his door resting her head on the frame waiting for him to grant her entry.
No response.

"Please Draco." Ria begged with her voice, her gentle knocks transforming into louder ones.
Draco was shuffling around in his room gathering himself before finally opening the door, resting his grey eyes onto the puffy green ones.

"Whats wrong with you now." 

"I hate you." She spoke, slightly hesitant. It had hit her how stupid this was and all she wanted to do now was turn back and head to her room where she could be in her own self pity.

"No you don't." Draco answered simply. He was controlling his temper which was unusual even for him.

"Never mind I don't know what I'm doing here I'm just going to turn back." She turned on her heels prepared to leave but then suddenly she felt a hand rest on her shoulder urging her to stay.

"Don't be embarrassed, whats wrong?" Draco pulled her back into his room and shut the door allowing them privacy from whoever might be nosy enough to eavesdrop.

Ria decided to seat herself on his bed that had the same coloured sheets as hers. His room was neat and tidy to her surprise. She had expected it to be in some sort of mess.

"I don't know." Ria answered his previous question without detail. She thought it would bore him out. 

"Yes you do." Draco sat himself on the opposite side of the bed listening intently.

"Nothing I'm just tired." Ria shrugged, she was never really comfortable with expressing her feelings with anybody apart from Pansy.

"Mentally or physically?" Draco asked sounding genuine. He made himself sound as if she could trust him with anything, even her life.

"Both I guess," 
Ria was truthful. She was exhausted emotionally and physically and really just needed a break. A different sort of break than staying at the Malfoy manor with very powerful wizards that stress her out. A prime example being Lucius.

"Do you want to talk about it?" 

There was a voice in the back of her head that wanted to say yes but it was all too much to unleash onto Draco in one night, so she settled on the easy answer.

"No." She added a small smile to reassure Draco that she's all good even if she wasn't in the slightest.

There were a few seconds of silence before anyone actually did anything, Draco had stood up and started unbuttoning his shirt.

"What are you doing?" Ria rose a brow and watched his every move carefully.
"Taking your mind off things."

I'm sorry for my absence, i really dont have any other excuse other than the fact that I lost interest in the book and I got covid AHAHA 
But I'm going to finish this book for all of you don't worry! Just hang on.



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