🌸it starts?🌸

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♤Y/N/narrator POV♤

When I enter Get sporty, I see 4 teens arguing about something I could not hear, but it was none of my business. The girl walked toward them so I took a chance to look around. Spotting a few skateboards I casually walked away from them. Looking around I noticed one that was ocean blue and white. It was beautiful but I ended up looking at another one with my favorite colors, checking the price I hummed.

'$15? Alright, not bad I pick it up, and the ocean blue and white I walk to the cashier. "Oh! What can I help you with? Where are your parents?" A blond woman stated while I placed the items. "I was just walking by, and I want to buy these two. How much would it be?"

I said in a monotone voice I did not mean to sound rude, but I started getting a mild headache, and the 4 kids were not helping so I had to get out there. Yes, she sounds rude and quite ignorant heck no one might find her pleasing. But alas, people chainage over time let's see if she does- "Oh... Alright. That will be $32" she smiled, and I paid her thanking her with a neutral smile.

"Sorry about that, I am starting to get a headache and those kids are not helping. Have a good day." I try to explain the woman smiled a little while waving goodbye and ride one of my new skateboards to my house. I open the door, look around, and not seeing my mom noticed a note on the counter I hovered over it and read it out loud.

"Sweetie, I have a double shift I'm sorry. There's some money there for pizza or food. Please call if you need anything. Ps. The truck will come today please put them in the middle. It'll help when I come back.

-love mom"

A hum escaped my lips, I walk to my room with a few boxes that were in our car. To a room that was fitted for me and started to unpack as much as I could with what I had.

♤Time skip♤

Once I finish decorating my room I relax in satisfaction with what I made but of course with a few things missing. Suddenly I hear a truck park near our home. So, I head downstairs and make sure to move some things, there could be more space. Quickly helping the workers to unload the truck quicker, we all finished quickly in around 30 minutes. Which in the case itself was fast just a tad bit. When we got all the boxes in, I pay $10 individually.

"Thank you!" I shout and close the door. "Okay! Time to start unpacking" I crack my knuckles and tie my hair up. Start with the kitchen first and work my way out of it.

♤Time skip♤

"FEW!" I boast finishing the kitchen and living room, looking around pleased with my handy work.

Stretching in achievement I get all the money on the counter and count them. "Alright $50." I went upstairs to my room I notice my mom's room empty I felt bad, so I did her room too but not too extra just in case she wants to change it to her liking. Building the complex bed and taking a few seconds to re-read the instructions, it was harder to lift the queen bed the stairs and into the room but managed. In the end, the bed was at least made, a few boxes of clothes and personal things in the drawer adding a few pictures that belonged to her mother.

One made her stop and smile, a picture of her mother, father, younger brother, and her. 'I miss them....' was the thought before letting a tear fall and cleaning it away before putting down the picture gently.

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