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I'm sending him off today before I head to the photoshoot. Tetsuro's driving us to the airport with one hand on the wheel, and the other intertwined with mine. I'm a little down, knowing that his departure is today, but I don't really want to feel like this. There's no end to it once I start. He might worry too much, enough to make him take the next flight back here.

The watch he gave me looked quite similar to the one I gave him, and now it seems like we're pairing our accessories up. I seriously just booked a flight to enter the airport.. just to be with him. If I hadn't, I would only get to be with him for a few minutes before he goes in to check in. I'm simply utilizing the time I have left with him before he flies off to Beijing. He agreed, and said that he also wanted to spend time. And, that's what brought us to now.

He parks the car, and turns to me to give me a kiss before he even thought of getting down. I got the tickets, and the other things, and he went out to open my door. I head out, and he pins me against his car door, holding my chin as he places kisses on my lips. Our relationship is publicized, but I still feel really shy when someone catches us, so I had to push him off. I do like the kiss, just not outside where there may be countless people around us.

We got it inside, and we met up with the team. I was blown away by Hinata's usual energy. He's so energetic no matter what occasion. The others look pretty worn out though. "(Y/n)-san! Are you coming with us?? I suppose Kuroo-san thought of that?" No, actually no one has ever thought of that. I shake my head and he frowns. "Why not?"

"I have school, and work. After I send him off, I'm heading out to meet Kenma, Misaki.. and Lev. I have a photoshoot scheduled today." And photoshoots for the next five days. "I'm busy, and I think if I were to be around.. I'd only be a distraction to everyone around me. The media might also.. notice me and start to.. you know."

"Kuroo, your girlfriend is as confident as you. Look at that assumption on attracting the media." I give Koutaro a glare, and he smiles, flashing me his perfect white teeth. I show him my hand, and point to my finger. "You guys got married?" I shake my head, and he finally realizes. "Just engagement. Okay."

"Don't sound so upset, Mr. Married Man." I say, and he sticks his tongue out.

"(Y/n)-san, say hi to Kenma for me!" I nod, and he smiles brightly, having Kageyama smack the back of his head. "What the hell is your problem??"

"I'm taking her away. I'll meet you guys later." Tetsuro grabs my hand, and drags me along with him. I give the others a wave, and face forward so I wouldn't trip.

Tetsuro brought me to a fast food restaurant to eat, and I'm seated at a table while he ordered for us. People are staring at me, and I am uncomfortable. I think these people know who I am, and are probably wondering why I'm at the airport when I never take international offers. I mean, they could consider Hokkaido, but it doesn't seem that way. If we weren't going to eat, I would've worn my mask.. But, I forgot to bring one, and a cap to cover my the rest of my face.

He puts my share in front of me, moving his head in weird motions as he eyes me. I smile, and awkwardly laugh, and he raises his brow at me. People keep looking my way. I never got used to being stared at by people who know me. I can't bear the looks that they give me. Doesn't matter if they're not glares or are glares. Being stared at is so uncomfortable for me. I can't stand them.

"Do you want to go somewhere private?" I shake my head, and he worriedly looks at me as he takes a bite of his burger. "You look uncomfortable. I know we're attracting a large number of people.. and that you hate it."

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