"Kokushibou, why do you keep calling me Yoriichi still?" I ask him. Yeah I get it I look like Yoriichi but could you not? He goes silent and proceeded to not answer my question, whatever apparently he likes to keep things to himself. "Not gonna answer? Ok I see how it is, I thought we we're the bois." He glances at me weirdly, he definitely thinks I'm an anomaly. "Anyways, also you know how you explained the whole Muzan and Yoriichi thing right, well why're you gonna make him have another trauma? You do know I'm gonna make him suffer, right?" He looks at me and nods his head not fazed at all. I blink and stare at his six eyes with a poker face.

*3rd POV*

Kokushibou could care less about Muzans trauma, he only cared about training and making Y/n strong enough for a fight to the death. He never got to finish his fight with Yoriichi this was his opportunity to finally settle it. Y/n walked up while Kokushibou was zoned out, he slaps his face and preceded to do it again. Kokushibou glances at him confused and then sighs, he walks past Y/n and glances at him. He suddenly pulled out a piece of paper and extended his arm towards Y/n. Y/n grabs the paper and opened it.

[This is the last time you'll see me in a while, Muzan is getting a bit suspicious and I have nothing else to teach you other than the Moon Breathing which you said no to. Oshiri is the demon slayer I was talking about lives towards the north of this location, eventually you should see a house that's in a forest. That's all the information I'm gonna give you, the rest is up to you.



He blinks then glance up, wait.. he's gone already and he didn't even give him a good hint to where Oshiri lives. Wait.. when did he even write this letter, whatever that doesn't matter right now? Y/n sighs, the snow storm also got worse too. Atleast he left him his kimono, his kimono is gonna be Y/ns blanket now. He walks up to rock and rests his head against it, it was very uncomfortable. He shrugged it off and grabbed Kokushibous kimono, he then threw it over himself.

The next morning..

He sighs and waked up, he sits up then rub the back of his neck.. it was a mistake to rest his head against a rock. He shrugs and gets up, he grabs Kokushibous kimono then starts to go home. Speaking of family, they're probably worried about him, he slowly makes his way up the snowy mountain to the house. He opens the door and sees Kaa-san making breakfast already, he closes the door and silently walks to his room. He opens the door to his room and throws Kokushibous kimono inside his room.

He walks back to the kitchen and walks up yo Kaa-san and pats her shoulder, she turns around and quickly pulls him into a hug. She pulls away then checks for any injuries and finds none, she sighs in relief and then proceeded to scold Y/n. He was grounded, he sighs and walks to his room.
He opens the door, he walks in then sits down on his bed, he stretches his arms and yawns. 'What should I do... on one hand I abandon the Kamado family and go train to be a demon slayer. On the other hand I can stay here and not leave the Kamado family... what do I do..' Y/n thought rubbing his temble, he glances at his door and waits for his cute little Otouto and Imouto to make there entrance. Suddenly Tanjiro and Nezuko rushes in and tackles Y/n, he grunts and looks at the both of them.

"Oniichan you haven't play with us in a while." Nezuko says pouting cutely, he pats her head and say; "What do you want to play then?" She looks at Tanjiro and they both simultaneously say, "Tag!" At the same time. Y/n blinks his resting poker face and waits for them to get off, once they get off they start running away. Y/n quickly starts to chase after them, of course going easy on them cause if he really cared about winning he could've already. He pivots on his right foot, he then launches towards Nezuko, he slides on the ground and taps her on the back. He gets up and starts running away from her now, of course he lets her catch up and tap him.

He sighs and starts chasing after Tanjiro, he pivots on his left foot and enters the Kitchen cutting Tanjiro off, he crouches and pokes his forehead. Tanjiro stumbles back and immediately goes to get you back, Y/n jumps backwards and starts running away. This went on for a while until Kaa-san called them for breakfast. Y/n sat down at the table and decided that who cares about breathing styles he can learn that later, his final decision was staying with the Kamado family.

For the next few weeks he's been spending time with his family, chopping down trees still, washing dishes, cleaning the house and taking care of Tou-san. Tou-sans illness has gotten worse recently, hes estimating he'll die around 6 years from now. Regardless it's been relatively boring, he sighs and went to his room after the day was over, he layed down and yawns. He closes his eyes, what did the future have in store for him.. could he save the Kamado family? How was he gonna save cetain characters that die? He discarded those thoughts and lets sleep embrace him.

Next Part: Mindscape

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