05- Surprise

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Wednesday Night:

Heath: Hey, so um... r we good??

Ozzy: I guess, as long as you treat her right.

Heath: You know I will!

Heath: Soooo, about what you said earlier, Izzy used to get bullied??

Ozzy: Ye but I don't think you should bring it up in front of her.

Heath: Why?

Ozzy: She gets really upset if she thinks about it, and when she gets upset she isolates herself from everyone. That'll include you.

Heath: Oh, can you tell me, what they said and who these people are??

Ozzy: I'd rather not, eventually you can ask her, but it's too early in your friendship to ruin it. Just trust me.

Heath: k, thanks for um, letting me know.

Thursday Morning at School:

Izzys POV:

I arrived at school and placed my things in my locker. I go for a walk around the school before heading to sport class.

I arrive late to sport not knowing we have a relief who is very strict.


I slowly answer the teacher I hate the most while shaking slightly, "uhhh Izzy"

"Ahhhh Izzy, Ozzy's sister?" I nod my head with a bit of fright. "Ozzy was always my favourite student, but you are a bit of a disappointment. Your brother was really good at sport, but the last time I saw you, you couldn't run without having an asthma attack."

I roll my eyes, I'm sick of this. I go to walk out, but before I could Heath appears.

Heaths POV:

I'm moving schools as my parents, want me to get a better education, and my old school wasn't very strict nor good.

My first period is sport class, as I walk in I witness Izzy standing there talking to the teacher. She turns around and I hold my arm out, hoping to stop her. She stops while slightly leaning into my arm.

"So Miss, what are we doing today? I suppose not running." I say while crossing my arms.

The teacher rolls her eyes and announces that we are doing shot put. Izzy stares at me and smiles until the teacher forces her to go to the back of the line, while placing me at the front.

No Ones POV:

"Ok, my name is Miss Shadler, and I am your new sport teacher for the rest of the year."

Izzys jaw dropped. She could not believe what she had just heard she was not dealing with Miss Shadler for the rest of the year!

Skip to after class at lunch:

Everyone was sitting in the cafeteria all talking and hanging out with each other, although Izzy didn't like to be out in a crowd so she sat in the corner of the library. She didn't realise that she was being followed until she sat down and a shadow hovered over her.

"Can I sit?" Izzy nodded her head while slightly looking up at Heath. He bent down and looked at her. They sat there in silence for about 5 minutes until Izzy looked down at her watch and said "I can't wait till this day is over!" She paused for a second before asking, "Why didn't you tell me that you were moving to MY school." Izzy wondered.

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