New York pt 1

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So there is going to be 14 separate parts to them being in New York. I'm going to try and get two chapters out everyday for you guys🤌

Anna slept in the basement with me last night. I guess she didn't care if her mom noticed she wasn't in bed. I was laying on top of her and she had her hands resting on my stomach. I looked over to my left and saw the roses she got me. They were in a tall vase. I smiled to myself knowing I can finally call Anna mine. I looked up at her and she was sound asleep. I don't know what time it is but I know we have to get up so we can go on the trip. I didn't tell Anna but I somehow got my parents to sign the permission slip. I sat up and got off the couch. I went over to my bag and grabbed an outfit also putting all my other clothes back in the bag so I have stuff to wear while we're in New York. I heard her say something from across the room but I couldn't tell what she said.

"What's wrong?" I said walking over to her.

"I said what time is it" she said in a raspy voice. I got butterflies from that. I turned around so I was facing the coffee table.

"6:45" I said. She sighed and nodded. She got up and kissed my forehead before going upstairs. I'm assuming she was going to her room to get ready and pack for the trip.

I finished packing and getting ready so I grabbed my bag and went downstairs. It was now 7:15 and school starts at 8 so we have to go now so we are early enough to give our 8th period teachers our permission slips. I went down to the basement and Eva was on her phone.

"C'mon we have to go" I said. She put her phone away and nodded. I grabbed her backpack and went upstairs. We went out to my car and I put our bags in the back. I got in and started driving to school while she played music.

Before leaving to New York-

We are currently doing an attendance check. Me and Anna somehow got lucky and are being seated together on the bus. Anna had to pay for me because my parents didn't and the school required us to pay for the basic things like hotel rooms and transportation if we wanted to go. I have to pay her back somehow. I also need to think of how I'm going to tell her I love her.

"Eva cudmore?" Mr. Mathews yelled bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Here" I said. I guess I was the last one because he put away his clipboard and started sending people onto the bus. Me and Anna were last and got seated in the back of the bus next to Katie and Karina.

"Don't be making out the whole way there" Katie said. Anna giggled and looked at me with a smirk. I just sat back resting my head on Anna's shoulder. Her hand rested on the middle of my thigh. She rested her head on mine and I felt myself falling asleep.

We've been on the bus for about 2 hours now and Eva's still asleep. A few minutes ago I took my head off hers and stared out the window enjoying the view. The driver stopped a few times for bathroom breaks and to get coffee. This should be fun. Spending two weeks in New York with the girl I'm in love with and my best friends. I'm excited.

"You ok?" I heard Eva say in a soft voice. I looked over and her eyes were still closed.

"Yea I'm ok" I said turning my body towards her. I put my hand on her cheek and moved my thumb back and forth. She smiled and I pulled her closer to me. I laid with her for a second with my eyes closed but I saw a light. I opened my eyes and Katie's phone was pointing towards us. I flipped her off and buried my face into Eva's neck. I soon felt myself falling asleep.

I woke up to Eva shaking me.

"Wake up we're in New York" she said excitedly. I smiled and looked out the window. I stared outside in amazement. I saw tall buildings and there were big billboards with rainbows and things representing pride. I smiled to myself thinking of the opportunity's here. I looked at Eva and she was smiling at me.

"What? I've always wanted to come here. Ooh and I wanna go to Greece" I said. She nudged my shoulder.

"It was just cute seeing you staring out the window like a little kid at Disney land or something" she said. I laughed and gave her a kiss. I laid against her facing the window still watching as we passed by massive buildings and monuments.

Anna is so cute. She's like a little kid in a candy store right now. She's just laying against me staring out the window with a big smile on her face. It's amazing how someone could be so cute staring at something they're interested in. I felt the bus stop and Mr. Mathews along with all the other 1st period teachers stood up.

"Okay everyone who is in my first period class please stand up and form a single file line in the isle" Mr. Mathews said. Anna stood up and looked at me with an excited smile. She put out her hand out for me to grab and I did. We stood in line and Anna taunted Katie and Karina. They rolled their eyes and flipped her off. I laughed and pushed Anna as the line moved forward.

We soon stepped out of the bus and were handed our bags. The hotel we are staying in is beautiful on the outside. Perks of being being a girl in a relationship with a girl is you get to share rooms during things like this. They did one more attendance check and then we were sent to our rooms. Anna fought me over carrying my bag and of course she won. By force. She snatched it out of my hand and ran to our room. I ran in behind her and tackled her onto the bed. She giggled and rolled me over.

"I win...again" she said. I giggled and grabbed her by the collar of her shirt pulling her down making her collapse onto me. She laughed and got off me. She grabbed the TV remote and somehow found Netflix. She put on anime and laid down after taking off her shoes. I looked at her and she shrugged and smiled. I cuddled up next to her and felt her fall asleep. I looked up at her and smiled. I laid back on her chest and closed my eyes soon falling asleep.

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