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August's POV

"August you keep missing your cue to jump, your up there for the first two verses. Then you jump. Let's do this again!" I hear Thomas yell and hearing him yell my mistakes over and over to me is really frustrating. I'm a dancer not a rapper. I get back on top of the desk trying to catch my breath as I see Daveed join the rest of the cast in the audience and gives me a small smile and mouths "just breathe" and I return the smile best as I could through the frustration. I hear the music begin and start, never losing sight of Daveed. Before I knew it the song was over. I did it. Holy cow I did it. "See we knew you'd get it!" Lin yelled excitedly and the cast clapped. I hopped off the stage to get some water and I hear "okay everyone that's lunch, you have an hour." And I head to the kitchen and grab an apple. Following hot on my tail is Daveed who embraces me into a hug. "I told you you could do it!" He says holding me tight. "Thank you d." I said while hugging him and taking in his scent. Right here, right now, I felt on top of the world, I felt, at home. Sadly our hug ended and we sat down to eat our lunch. "Hey Aug. can you come to the room for a moment?" I hear and look up to see Pippa, jazzy, and Renée standing there smiling. "Yeah sure, I'll be back d." I tell him and he shoots back his amazing smile. "Okay." He says before I was drug away into my dressing room. I sit down on the couch with Pippa and Renée and jazzy sit in the surrounding chairs. "So, Anthony tells me that you and Diggs had a little moment!" Jazzy states while wiggling her eye brows and the other two giggle. "Well," I start off and they'll them the whole story earning an awe from them. "So he didn't kiss you?" Pippa asked. "No, he did not. But it was one of those moments that feels so timeless, who am I kidding anytime with him feels timeless." I said with a sigh earning another awe from the girls. "Awwwe" we hear from the door. I got up to see who the voices belong to, I open it to reveal Lin, Oak, Anthony, and Jonathan. "You guys!" I said while looking at them. "What are you boys doing?" I asked and they all looked at me. "Well, we heard giggling and then awing and we started to listen." Oak said. "Well how much of our conversation did y'all hear?" I asked hoping they wouldn't say the whole thing. "The whole thing." Jonathan said with a big smile on his face. "You guys please don't say anything to Daveed." I say covering my face with my hands. "Hey, your secret is safe with us." Lin said and the rest nodded.
We headed back to the kitchen and I took my place next to Maddie and I guess she could see the red on my face "What's up with you?" She asked giggling. "Oh nothing, I will tell you at home." I told her "ooh okay" she said and skipped off. Daveed took her place and sat next to me. "So did you have a nice interrogation sunshine?" He asked and giggled referring to me being drug away. "Yes, actually it was lovely." I told him and we started laughing earning a look from the girls. "So what did they need?" He asked amused. "Oh, it's nothing important." I told him and he looked like he didn't believe me but he let it go. We spent the last of our lunch joking around with everyone.
After lunch we went back to rehearsing and before I knew it, 5 rolled around which meant I got to go home. "Okay everyone, go home and rest. You all worked very hard today, I will see you all bright and early tomorrow!" Lin said while gathering his things and all of us doing the same. I walked off stage to get my things and headed out the back doors to quickly find out that it was raining. Great. So glad I decided to walk this morning. "Hey August!" I hear and turn around to find Daveed coming toward me. "Do you want a lift?" He asked me. "No d its fine I ride with Maddie." I said as my voice trailed off watching her car drive off. "Well, a ride doesn't sound to bad now." I say looking up at Daveed who is already looking at me. "Come on loser" he says while giggling and throw his arm over me as we ran to his car. He opened the door for me and I quickly hop it and he runs around to the drivers side and hops in. The car ride home was full of singing and laughing. I swear there is never a dull moment with him. We pull up to my apartment building and I give him a quick hug and quickly run inside. Once I'm in I turn around to see him laughing at how soaked I got which I thought was kinda funny too. We waved goodbye and I headed up to the apartment. Once I'm in I see Maddie laying on the couch playing on her phone. "Girl what happened today, you said you'd tell me!" She said getting excited turning her attention to me. "Okay, let me shower all the rain and sweat off and I will tell you." I said and went to my room. I stripped the nasty clothes off me and jumped into the shower.
Once I was finished I got dressed, wrapped my hair in a towel and walked out to see Maddie sitting on the couch with freshly made popcorn and some waters patiently waiting for me to spill. "Okay" I said wrapping up in a blanket and told her everything that happened with Daveed. Soon we fell asleep on the couch both extremely tired from the day we just had.

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