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       Nightmare was destroying an au that day. He was enjoying the negativity the people gave off while his teams attack. He had just stabbed some poor man with his tentacles, while smiling like a maniac, finishing his job pretty much.

       Nightmare took a little stroll around the destroyed au, before Error could come and delete it. Nightmare adventured into the forest, a few minutes later, finding a almost fully collapsed house. While heading inside the house, Nightmare felt a small amount of negativity coming from the house.

       He than heard quiet whimpering and crying coming from the upstairs part of the house. He teleported upstairs, looking in each room, until he came across a room with a half destroyed wall and two piles of dust. But what stuck out the most, was the small child making the same whimpering and crying sounds Nightmare heard from downstairs, but a bit louder since he was close to them.

      Nightmare wanted to kill them right there and then, but couldn't bring himself to do it. He thought, 'Why can't I just bring myself to kill it!?'. He picked the child up, carefully, bring them into his arms. 'Might as well bring them to the castle.' Nightmare thought as he teleported out of the house.

      Nightmare then teleported to the castle with the child, putting them in his room, getting ready to tell his team about this small child. "EVERYONE TO THE THRONE ROOM NOW!" he yelled, careful not to wake the child, who was had fallen asleep when they got to the castle.

      Everyone was now in the throne room, except the child who was sleeping in The King of Darkness's room. "What did ya need Boss?" asked Killer, a little confused why they were being called because after their mission earlier they were supposed to get the rest of the day off. "I am here to tell you I have a child." Nightmare said some-what calmly. "ExCuSe Me, BuT wHat!?" Error said very surprised and shocked. The others just stared at their Boss with shock and confusion. "Well, can we see them...?" asked Cross, confusion showed by his facial expression.

      "I guess so..?" Nightmare said as if it came off more as a question that an answer. Nightmare guided his team toward his bedroom so they could see the child Nightmare brought from the now deleted au. Once they reached the room, Nightmare opened the door and the others walked toward the child. "Did you give 'em a name Boss?" said Killer as he stared at the child. "No. I have not Killer." Nightmare said as he replied to Killer's question.

      "I think I know a name we can call them." said Dust as the everyone stared at him in surprise of him finally speaking. "Well? What's the name?" asked Horror, impatiently. "Y/n" replied Dust. 

                                                             "Y/n it is then"     


Miko- Hey everyone! First author of the book here! I actually made all of myself without any help. I really hope you enjoy our book here. If you want any other books just comment what you want, and I check the book everyday, so I will be sure to see it!

Have a good day/night/evening!

"Genocide Turns To Pacifist" Nightmare sans x child!readerWhere stories live. Discover now