Game On

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Aizawa was becoming impatient. Impatient, impatient, impatient.
For the first time, he wasn't tired. He was completely on edge. This class was dragging by slowly, he needed to make sure he was out and long gone as soon as the hell rang and his students were out. He could not let himself be caught. Not today.
He knew how it would go. He could visualise it in his head. Where he would be, how he would move. He knew. And he was ready. As soon as the bell rang he dismissed his students and bolted, running down the hall like he's chugged 16 redbulls. He skidded around the hall corner and ran outside.
Footsteps. He was near. He could hear him gaining.
Aizawa abruptly stopped and dropped, ducking to the side with his leg out as Yamada sped around the corner. He tripped right up, face planting into the floor. Aizawa retracted his leg and bounced to his feet, scurrying off while Yamada recovered, back on his tail in 0.2 seconds flat.
Rounding corners and weaselling around the bustling, busy halls, Aizawa was determined. He was not going to let Yamada get close to him.
Aizawa found himself in a dead end. A hall that led to nowhere. He turned to face Yamada as he slowed to a stop.
Yamada grinned, his face tainted with mischief.
'He thinks he's cornered me'
'Oh my god, I've cornered him!'
"You've lost, Sho! I've got you cornered!" Yamada jeered, folding his arms. "I win."
Aizawa cocked his head to the side.
"Have you?"
Yamada's face shifted into a confused expression as Aizawa revved himself up- and pulled himself into the ventilation, cackling with glee like a deranged swamp witch.

Kayama perked up at the faint sound of her friend's frustration. She rolled her eyes.
Stop playing tag in the halls, boys, she thought to herself.
You'll get yourselves hurt!

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