~|I don't want you to go|~

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"I can't believe he was interested in me!" Hinata yells happily. The gang left the cafe are now currently heading to a store in the city. "It is very surprising, I'm happy for you! Anyways, we should be here in about 2 minutes." Yachi says. Tadashi and Tobio were holding hands, still blushing. Tsukishima was in his own music world, Hinata and Yachi were now playing foot tag, but still looking at their surroundings.

They found the store and entered. It was a small clothes store which they sold cute clothes for all genders. "Oh my god, these clothes are so cute!" Tadashi exclaims, looking through the clothing rack. They all split up and looked through the whole store. Basically everyone bought something from there, even Tsukishima. They exited and planned to go to get a drink. Everyone agreed for boba, so that's where they went. Hinata and Tsukishima got vanilla with tapioca balls, Yachi and Kageyama got orange, but Yachi got blueberry popping balls and Kageyama got passion fruit. Tadashi got mango with blueberry popping balls. They exited the place and was stumbled upon a poster.

"Holy shit! Tomorrow is the Music Festival, I completely forgot about that!!" Shoyo curses at himself. "The music festival? We should definitely go!" Yachi exclaims. "Are you guys in?" Hinata elbows Tsukishima and Yamaguchi. Tada looks at Kageyama, waiting for his answer, "yea sure, I don't have a lot of time here, so why not." He says. Tadashi agrees with him. "I'm not too sure..." Kei mutters. The gang looks at him with concern. "I just...have some things to do...I gotta go." Tsuki hurries and walks away.

The rest went home to call it a night. Tadashi was curled up against Tobio, holding his hand, with Tobio doing the same. "Do you think Tsuki is acting strange." Yama wondered. Kageyama thinks he knows what's the problem,  but wasn't sure if it was true. "Yea, probably something popped up." He says. Tadashi squeezes his hand, which caught Tobio's attention. "But, if something popped up...then he would of told me..." he hesitated. "W-We've been friends s-since forever. Does he not trust me..?" Tadashi broke down into tears. Tobio quickly sat up and brought Yama into his arms. "I don't know anything about him but, I know he absolutely trusts you. He will tell you when he's ready. Maybe something serious popped up and he's under a lot of stress. He trusts you, just give him some time.." Kageyama utters in Tadashi's ear. He (Yama) calms down and slowly fell asleep.

"Aww, bummer!" Tadashi curses. The Music Featival was canceled due to the massive thunderstorm coming up in less than an hour. "Oh well, we can hang out next week since I have some things to do, but I'm sorry we couldn't hang today!!" Hinata complains from the phone. "It's fine, I heard Yachi was visiting someone and Tsuki was going to his little cousins birthday party. But, at least I have Kageyama to hang with!" Tadashi says. They both say goodbye and stopped the call. Tadashi walks up to Tobio, who just came out of the bathroom, and hugged him. He then whispers, "can we cuddle?" "I would love to, but just let me get dressed." Kageyama says and broke the hug. Yama crawls onto one of the beds and waits for his boyfriend.

Tobio was in black shorts and a navy blue shirt that says, "Don't talk to me!" He crawls next to Tadashi and they both cuddled. A little later, Tobio heard sniffling. He looks and sees a crying strawberry, he panics a bit and hugs him tighter. "Hey, hey. It's okay, I'm here." He whispers. Yamaguchi then says, "please don't leave me...stay here with me..." Kageyama's heart broke on how he would need to leave to go back home. "I wish I could live with you forever, but I think your parents would get annoyed if I stay for a long time." Kags giggles, which caused Tadashi to blush. "Either way, I don't think our parents would allow one of us to live 5 hours away from them. We can always FaceTime and chat with each other, thank phones for always keeping us in touch." He tried to lighten things up, but Tadashi wanted to be by his side for as long as he lives. "But, what if our l-long distance r-relationship does not work out?! You are just too perfect for me! I don't want you to leave." Tadashi says in between sobs. Tobio then got an idea, he grabbed his earphones and phone, which was next to his bed on the counter, and put one earphone in his ear and the other in Tadashi. He put the song, Anything For You by Ledisi (a great song). Soon enough, it calmed down the both of them. Tobio was sitting up and Tadashi's head was resting on Kags thighs. They were getting a bit sleepy so, Tobio laid down, brung Yama's body up to him where his head is now laying on his chest, and soon they fell asleep.


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