Chapter 53 (edited)

Start from the beginning

Buuut he stopped and turned back to me, unsure if he should leave or not.

I nodded. "Go."

With that he put on his glasses and left the room.

(Roy's POV)

"What do you mean you can't get her with us?!" I raised my voice at whoever was talking to me. "I asked you yesterday and the day before that to make arrangements!"

Hawkeye and I were in a hospital room, they had bandaged us up.

"I... Major Devlin is already in a room sir.. General Armstrong placed her in a VIP room on the top floor... it's very private..." I didn't recognize his voice.

I growled. "Get out!"

"Colonel!" Hawkeye yelled at me.

I heard the door slam shut.

I sat back in my bed annoyed and in pain. "General Armstrong... Of course she'd do that." That miserable bitc-

She wants Hunter allll to herself, that's how it's been since she got to Central-

"Devlin is under her command now.. so-"
Falman's voice filled my ears.

"Still. She should be here, in our room." I was annoyed, I wanted her here with us, with me.

I don't care if it's selfish, I want her. It's been too long since we've been apart.

"I'll ask Miles if he can bring her down." Falman offered. "Though I'm not sure if she woke up yet.."

My stomach dropped. "What do you mean?!"

The room went quiet. I was drowning in the silence.

"Well?" Panic in my voice.

"Devlin was hurt pretty badly up on the main gate..." Falman started. "She lost an eye and.. Bradley's sword went through her shoulder. She's been out since the battle."

"And no one thought to tell me?" I shook my head.

I wanted to jump out of this bed and go to her room. But I couldn't. I wouldn't know where to go without my sight.

My jaw tightened. This darkness... I hated it. I swallowed hard before speaking. "Can you ask him?"

Falman took a breath. "I can, though he hasn't left her room and he hasn't let anyone in." He sounded sad.

"He hasn't let anyone in..? And he hasn't left her room? Why?" I was confused.

There was a pause before I got an answer.

"Miles, Buccaneer and Devlin were the 'Briggs Trio'." Hawkeye reminded me.

"They took a pretty big hit with the loss of Buccaneer. Devlin..." Falman trailed off. "You didn't see what happened on that gate."

I grew even more annoyed. Why wasn't anyone telling me anything? Why do I have to keep asking?

And nice choice of words asshole. 'See' Huh.. of course I didn't see what happened up there.

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