Chapter 50 - A Godly Sacrifice

Start from the beginning

"There's no other choice, Nat. I'll lure them away, that will give you a straight shot to the elevators. You'll all have one chance. Don't mess it up."

"No way, Cap. We all make it out, or none of us make it out," says Tony.

Steve places a hand on Tony's shoulder. "I appreciate the sentiment, Tony. But Clint has a family. His kids need their dad. You have Pepper. And Bruce would kill me if Nat didn't come home."

"What? That's not -," Natasha starts to argue, but then quiets.

"No," says a quiet voice. "No, this is my doing. I will go."

It takes you a moment to realize just whose quiet voice it was that spoke until Loki walks up to Steve, placing you in his arms.

"Loki...? Wait...Loki, no!" you muster every ounce of strength you have, but the sedative coursing through your system nearly paralyzes you. You can barely speak, let alone argue.

Loki rests a loving hand on your cheek, and traces the golden ribbon still threaded through your messy, fallen braid. With a mournful smile, he leans forward and places a gentle kiss on your lips. you reach up to grab his hair, to never let go, but he catches your injured hand, and gently places it on your own chest.

"I love you, my Valkyrie. Live well." Placing a final kiss on your forehead, Loki looks up at Steve. "Protect her. For today and always."

Steve nods.

"NO," you manage to utter one final yell, but Steve places his hand firmly over your mouth to prevent you from alerting the Chronicom Hunters down the hall. He holds you firmly as you weakly struggle in his grasp, reaching for Loki.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, don't have to do this," Tony says from nearby. 

"Oh but I do," he responds, sadly. "She was brought to your team because of me. They found her because of my actions. She should not have to lose her family because of what I have done. And you should not have to lose your lives either. Not to mention that I am, of course, smarter, faster, and stronger than you all combined," he smirks. "I will make the best distraction."


Tony seems to be of two minds, but only for a moment before giving Loki a small nod. Loki slowly approaches the doorway, crouching low to the ground. 

"Agent Phil Coulson of S.H.I.E.L.D.," Loki says quietly, hesitating, looking back at Phil who arches one brow. "I regret stabbing you." 

Loki then rounds the doorway, out of sight. You continue to struggle in Steve's grasp grunting and yelling. You try to bite his hand but you're too weak. Tears pour from your eyes, and Steve whispers apologies in your ear.

"I'm sorry, Y/n, I'm so sorry. Please, please stay quiet."

You continue to resist, but suddenly a loud bang from down the hall is accompanied by footsteps running the opposite way, and several slamming doors.

"Northwest corridor, section 12-Alpha heading west," the voices of the Chronicom Hunters echo down the empty hallway. "In pursuit - they're likely headed to the South East docks. Ensure they're locked down. We're on our way."

The Hunters run past the door of the small lab room, and the team waits until they are out of sight and sound before emerging and making a dash up the hall, following Phil's lead. Despite your protests and weak struggles against Steve's grip it doesn't take long to reach the lift, which hurtles upwards as soon as you're all inside and the doors close.


When the doors re-open, Phil, Nat and Clint quickly take out several HYDRA agents who stand unaware just beyond, and the team makes a dash to a small, motorized cart parked at a tunnel entrance.

By now, Steve has removed his hand from your mouth. 

"L'me GO, put me DOWN!" you yell feebly. "LOKI!" you cry, still trying to wiggle from Steve's grasp.


"It's too late, squirt. We have to go. NOW," says Tony, hopping into the driver's seat and pulling the wiring through the central console, rigging the cart.

As Tony steps on the gas, the cart flies down the access tunnel, and you prop yourself up to watch the dim red lights of the darkened compound begin fading in the distance, as that automated voice grows quieter and quieter. 


"NO!" You scream.


You close your eyes as the massive explosion rocks the ground beneath the cart, nearly sending the team flying as you emerge outside the tunnel in a flat, desolate prairie-land area. You let out a pained sob in Steve's arms. 

"What the hell?" Clint muses as Tony slams on the brakes.

"Unbelievable...," says Steve. 

"No way," smirks Natasha.

" might want to take a look at this."

Sitting up in Steve's lap, you turn to see a massive plume of smoke in the sky - no doubt the remnants of the HYDRA facility. But the smoke isn't black or grey it'

You push Steve aside, clumsily climbing out of the electric cart. Your legs still feel like lead pipes from the sedative, but you have to get a better view. Moving as quickly as you can without falling, you stumble to the side of the road, and squint at the emerald green plume of smoke in the distance, dropping to your knees.

Suddenly, you hear a voice call out from behind you. 

"I told you I'd make the best distraction, darling."

With a gasp, you turn to see Loki several meters away. In a flash, he's gone, then he reappears directly in front of you, sweeping you up into his arms, pulling you into a kiss. You weep in relief as you thread your fingers through his raven hair and pull him into you. 

After a moment, you break apart, placing your hands on his face to make sure it's really him.

"H-how? How did-?" you try to get the words out, but you struggle to speak through the haze. You feel your body growing weaker, and you are loosing the strength to continue fighting the anesthetic.

"Rest, love. You're safe. We're safe."

In Loki's arms, you allow yourself to finally give in to the pounding behind your eyes, and as the blackness takes over, you hear him whisper in your ear.

"I'll never let you go again."

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