Part 11

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(Wild Card's Pov)

We had just gotten locked in a cell when the door opened and in came...Winter?

"Winter, I'm so glad your okay," I said trying to hug her but she shoved me away while tentacles came out from her back

"You're an alien?!" We all said

"Yes, I am. You didn't actually think I really loved you. Did you Wild Card?" Winter asked 

"Yes, I did Winter," I answered sadly  

"I could never love someone like you," She said smiling evilly 

"Winter, what is going on with you?" I asked

"Nothing, I'm just telling the truth," She answered before leaving 

I stood there shocked and heartbroken before the door opened again and...Winter came in but this time she was being forced in 

(Nobody's Pov)

"Let go!" Winter yelled before she was pushed inside and the alien left.

"Babe? Oh My Gosh I was so worried," She said trying to hug him but he pushed her 

"Come to rub it in!" Wild Card yelled

"What are you talking about?" Winter asked 

"Don't play dumb Winter! You work for the aliens!" He yelled 

"I do not! You have no idea what I went through!" She yelled back 

"Oh really like what? Working for the aliens!"  Wild Card yelled before Missy, Wheels, and Guppy walked over to Winter

"We believe you," Missy said 

"Thanks, guys. Let me guess the rest of you don't?" Winter asked

Everyone stood still silently while Winter scoffed and turned to Ojo

"Wheels is your twin brother of course he believes you and they just feel bad!" Wild Card yelled

"Why you little!" She yelled lunging at him but she was held back before she even got a chance to hit him

"Let me at him! He deserves it!" Winter yelled

"Let her go, guys! Let's see what she does! Go ahead, Winter. What are you going to do? Cuss me out?" Wild Card asked 

"You want to know where I was? Fine, I'll show you. Ojo, can you show me the drawings that you made of me 2 weeks after I disappeared?" Winter asked Ojo

Ojo nodded and handed the I-pad to her with the drawings 

"Take a look at this Wheels," Winter said giving the I-pad to her brother 

"Is that you being zapped?" Wheels said 

"Yeah, Some random people wanted information I didn't know of so they...zapped me," Winter said sadly 

"What kind of information?" He asked 

"About dad," She answered 

(Winter's Pov)

Wheels then looked at the next drawing which showed me with the helmet crying 

"What were they showing you?" Wheels asked as Wild Card took the I-pad and looked at it

"An illusion of my worst nightmare," I answered remembering everything 

"This is why you started crying and why you flinched. Isn't it?" Wild Card asked with concern 

"What do you think?" I asked breaking into tears

"Winter, I had no idea," He said trying to hug me but he was pushed away

"I think I know how to get out of here," I said walking to the door 

"Winter, I know what your thinking but it's dangerous," Wheels said

"So? I did it already and nothing went wrong," I responded 

"What are you talking about Wheels?" Wild Card asked 

"If you combine your powers it's dangerous only 1% of people can do that without being harmed!" Wheels explained 

"Winter, listen to him it's too dangerous," Wild Card said 

"I don't care! I tried everything to get back to my family, friends, and even you! I'll do it again if I have to even though you off my list now!" I yelled 

"You risked yourself to get back to me," Wild Card whispered trying to hug me

"Get away from me! We're done!" I yelled 

"I'm going to do it! Wheels, Missy, and Guppy you need to calm me down if I lose control," I commanded 

"What about us?" Facemaker asked 

"What about our relationship Winter?" Wild Card asked 

"We're not a thing anymore! Boyfriends don't accuse their girlfriends of something! And Best friends don't believe things without hearing both sides of the story!" I yelled

(Nobody's Pov) 

"We saw you with tentacles!" Wild Card yelled

"And the illusion I saw was of you cheating on me! It looked so real but it wasn't! Not everything is real!" Winter yelled 

"Winter, what we saw looked so real and we fell into the trap but we can figure this out!" He yelled

Winter rolled her eyes and started to use her powers slowly levitating before she was losing control but she managed to teleport out landing on the hard floor 

"Winter?" A familiar voice said

"Dad?" Winter asked looking up 

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