Part 10

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"We're all good," Noodles confirmed and we all walked out 

"Am I just really small, or is this ship really big?" Guppy asked 

"it's enormous," Rewind said 

"Yeah. How are we gonna find our parents?" Fast Forward asked 

"I was thinking about that. Mrs. Granada found us really easily back at Grandma's house, and I think I know how your bracelet,"  Wheels said pointing at Missy's bracelet 

"I haven't been able to contact my dad," Missy said

"But maybe the transmitter in there that connects the two bracelets works like a tracking device," I explained 

"Wow, you guys really are twins," Wild Card said 

"But I need a pair of pliers and a heat source," Wheels continued 

"My teeth are strong because my dad's a shark," Guppy said biting 

"Perfect," Wheels said 

"And I've got a heat source. Heat vision!" Wild Card yelled turning into a toaster 

"Great, my boyfriends a toaster," I said crossing my arms 

Noodles picked Wild Card the toaster up and handed him/it to Wheels 

"Close enough. Sis, you think you can help me?" He asked 

"Yup," I answered 

"Wait, their siblings?" Missy asked 

"Their twins," A Capella answered

We followed Missy down every hallway sneakily 

"Is it working?" Wheels asked 

"Well, it's leading us somewhere," Missy answered

(Nobody's Pov)

"Hey! That was really good back there," Missy said to Wild Card 

"Turning into a toaster instead of making heat vision?" He asked 

Meanwhile, nobody noticed Winter had stopped walking after she heard a noise 

"Who's there?" She whispered before someone came from behind her grabbing her 

Winter struggled to get out while trying to call the others but they were distracted. Soon enough she was unconscious and was carried somewhere else by a mysterious figure 

(Wild Card's Pov)

All of a sudden a tentacle came from the ground and we all screamed but I realized Winter wasn't there

"Where is Winter?" I asked 

Everyone looked around before we all ran away from the tentacle and into a room while A Capella held it off

"Where is she!?" I asked again 

"We don't know," A Capella answered 

(Winter's Pov)

I woke up tied to a chair and I was being surrounded by 3 men who I immediately recognized  

"Oh, it's you guys," I said annoyed 

"Listen Winter just tell us about your dad and we'll let you go," One of the men said 

"You spent 2 months trying to get me to tell you and I'm still not telling you anything!" I yelled 

"Don't make us do it again Winter!" He yelled showing the helmet 

"A stupid illusion won't make me talk," I said sighing 

"We know the pain and heartbreak it causes you even when you know it's fake. Don't make it happen again," Another man said

"I don't know what the heck you're talking about!" I yelled 

"We'll get you to talk," The man said 

"Go ahead and try," I said 

"Untie her!" He commanded 

"But sir--" The other man began

"Untie her!" He yelled 

"Listen here, Winter we're letting you go but when things between you and your boyfriend go wrong then don't hesitate to run to us. I'd be glad to hire you," The man said as I was getting untied but the other man held onto me 

"I'll never join you!" I yelled 

"Consider it and if you except we promise to leave your family alone," He said before he turned to the man 

"Leave her in the hallway and the aliens will take care of the rest," He ordered as I was brought outside 

The man left me in the middle of the hallway just before an alien came and walked me to a cell

Disappeared (Wild Card x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now