Chapter One: America's Suitehearts

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   Dedicated to FallOutAtTheMore for giving this story it's first vote! Enjoy!

   I met Stella when she was a little girl. She was my mom's best friend's daughter so I had to baby sit from time to time, which wasn't a good time for me because Fall Out Boy just formed and I was a seventeen year old guy. I really didn't need a seven year old following me around everywhere I went, but she stuck to my side like glue. At first, it really annoyed me but as time went by I grew into becoming her best friend. Even the guys liked her. They always asked where she was and if she was coming.

   Her favorite was Pete. She basically was a mini Pete. She started wearing all black much to her mom's horror. He would paint her nails black and even dyed the tips of her hair red with Kool Aid. She wanted him to put eyeliner on her but her mom put her foot down to that. She liked to play with his bass and would try jumping around like him but the guitar was too heavy so he bought her a ukulele so she could copy him.

   I was always a little jealous that she never imitated me. I was so used to her following me around that I would let her play with my guitars. A few might have broke in the process but she eventually started hanging out with us both.

   I guess the sweetness goes away after a while.

   When she turned eleven, From Under The Cork Tree was nominated for a Grammy. We didn't win. She tried to comfort us by saying all the right things and it worked. For the other guys. I just left, went to the restaurant across the street from my hotel, and ate by myself. She tried to call me from Pete's phone multiple times but I didn't want to talk to anyone, including her. I needed to be alone.

   I think that had a negative impact on her because when she turned fourteen, things went from bad to worse. We were touring for our newest album at the time Infinity On High and she tagged along. I didn't mind; she kept Pete busy. I remember she convinced him to try to ride a golf cart down the stairs but they got stuck at the top.

   I digress. This was around the time when the hormones started kicking in and she started dating. She was always hanging around this guy who was three years older than her. Normally, this wouldn't bother me, but this is Stella we're talking about. A girl I've known since before she was in the double digits. I wouldn't stand for it. Neither would Pete. Andy and Joe told us to leave her alone, that she'll just act out more if we push harder against her relationship. We didn't listen.

   At first, we thought she was just acting out; she would make snarky remarks about any little thing we would say and she started wearing skimpy clothes when before she would only wear skinny jeans and band tees. Then I would catch her sneaking out and my care would always be low in gas. She was taking it out on nights I didn't catch her with one foot out the window. We began to worry and talked to the guys about it.

   "Maybe she's dating him now." Andy suggested. "It would explain how she's been acting lately."

   "You think so?" Pete asked, not really wanting to believe it. I didn't want to either.

   "It's plausible. Especially with the way she always smiling at her phone when you're not around." Joe added.

   Pete and I shared a look.

   "It's finally clicking." Andy commented with a laugh.

   Later that day, we cornered her and asked her ourselves.

   "It's okay if you do. We won't get mad."

   I didn't agree with Pete but I wasn't about to say that. "We just want to meet him."

   "I don't know. . ." She rubbed the back of her neck.

   "Look. If you introduce us, then we'll leave you alone about it." Pete bargained.

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